chapter 2

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Yeonas heart beats faster than ever as she darts by the residents hitting a few in her path.

"GO THAT WAY!" She heard the members signaling for them to split. She ran faster.

i'm fucked i'm fucked i'm fucked i'm fucked

In the distance she notice some of the members, she turned to the alleyway but there were members there too. She wanted to turn around but they already started surrounding her.

Yeona backed up to the wall as the 9 started enclosing her.
"Nam Yeona... It's been...a long time hasn't it" One of the members, Baekhyun said while panting out of breath.
"Let's stop running now, come here." He beckoned Yeona as she backed away even farther to the wall.

All the members surrounded her moving closer and closer closing the gap between them.

Ahead of her, she noticed some scaffolds leading up the building. It was a risky shot, but it was her only escape.

In one motion, Yeona quickly runs to the scaffold climbing up it. One of the members grabbed her ankle trying to pull her down, Yeona manages to release from his grip and climbs higher.

Yeona reaches to the top of the building. She stands looking down, almost falling.
Yeonas legs wobbled as she shrunk down to her knees after realizing how high up she was.

She grabbed her pistol from her bag, reloaded it, pointed it in the air and pulled the trigger.

"That was a warning shot." Yeona said threateningly.

The mafia members who were currently climbing the scaffold had quickly gotten down in panic.

"Nam Yeona, don't make this so difficult. We just want to talk that's all." Chanyeol yells.

Yeona was a former EXO member. EXO had this rule where once someone goes through the process of being a member, they are prohibited from leaving.

Yeona wanted no part in their mafia. They've done terrible things and Yeona couldn't stand for them, so she ran away, she didn't expect them to find her in Busan. Their headquarters were in Seoul so she thought she completely lost them.

"I'm am not part of you anymore." Yeona said while out of breath.

Lucas watched as the girl left the comic book store after denying his request

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Lucas watched as the girl left the comic book store after denying his request. He sighed and walked out as well hoping to convince her to sell him more.

From the distance he watched her walk through the people slowly increasing his speed to catch up with her. She then made a turn to an alleyway.

Lucas stopped and peered out the corner of the wall when he saw her with a group of men. In his eyes, it looked like they're were harassing her.

"What the hell..." He said to himself. He squinted his eyes and looked closer... is that, Exo?

He couldn't hear what they were talking about but he could see the members walking closer and closer to Yeona. To his surprise, she started running while the members chased her. He paused before chasing after them as well.

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