chapter 13

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As the teacher arrived, students scurried to their desks sitting down.
"I will now be taking attendance." Boredom took over Yeona as she spun a pen around her finger.

She sighed loudly as the teacher started teaching a topic she paid no attention to, in the midst of playing with her pen, her eyes traveled to the large window which revealed two black cars and men stepping out of both.

Are you fucking serious.

Yeona could immediately tell it was EXO.

How did they find the school??

Yeona raised her hand.
"Can I go to the bathroom?" After the teacher allowed her to leave, Yeona quickly stepped out of the class wanting to stay out of view from the window.
She had to quickly come up with a plan.

What if they come into the school??

Yeona stressed at the thought of them walking in. She walked to a large window that faced where their car was, she noticed they weren't there anymore.

She crouched under the window so that only her eyes poked out.

"Oh shit, where did they go?"
Yeona jumped at the sudden voice.
"What the- Jaemin?" She looked to her side and saw Jaemin crouching besides her looking out the window trying to find was Yeona was searching for.
"What are you doing?" Jaemin asked.

"Nothing." Yeona replied as she continued looking out the window.

"What are you looking for?" Jaemin curiously stood up but before he could see anything clearly, Yeona forcefully pulled him down.

"Are you crazy??" Yeona whisper-yelled at him. Jaemin fell to the floor from the force.

"Owh! What are you even looking for sheesh..." Jaemin rubbed his sore elbow. He then noticed Yeonas face drain of color as she stared at something behind him.

"Fuck." Yeona cursed at herself. Jaemin turned his head to see 3 men in suits walking the hallways. He couldn't make out who he was looking at until Yeona grabbed his wrist making him run the opposite direction.
Yeona opened a closet throwing Jaemin and herself into it.

"What the fuck-" Before Jaemin could speak, Yeona put her finger to her lips signifying him to stay quiet.

Her breathing quickened out of nervousness, neither two dared to say a word or make any sort of sound. Yeona put her ear to the door to try catching any sound. She heard the heavy footsteps of the members walk by.

"What the hell do I do..." Yeona whispered to herself.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Jaemin questioned.

"I don't know either, I don't know how they found the school I went to. Ahh this is stressing me out." Yeona quietly said making sure her voice was only loud enough for Jaemin to hear.

She backed from the door, the closet was very small, the space between the two was almost non existent making it very uncomfortable to stand.

"Who found you?" Jaemin asked.
"Huh? Why are they here? Are they here for you?" Jaemin asked.
"Of course they're here for me what else? They've been chasing me for months now, how do they end up always finding me gosh..." Yeona ranted.

"Oh... so you really aren't a part of them." Yeonas face expression was annoyed.

"Haven't I made it clear already that I don't have anything to do with them anymore? They have this stupid rule where you go through the initiation of becoming a member and you're stuck there."

"Well, why did you leave anyways?" Jaemin asked. Yeona bitterly laughed at the depressing memories, EXO valued loyalty over anything in their group, until it came to Yeona.

"They did something I can't and will never forgive them for... They betrayed me first." Yeona coldly said.
Yeona grew a strong relationship with the group, they were her first close friends after she started living on her own.
She thought she had found something she could rely on, throughout years of being in a mafia she believed she could consider it her safe place, her home.

Suddenly they heard the intercom beep.

Nam Yeona report to the office, Nam Yeona report to the office.

Yeonas heart dropped as her eyes widened.
"Oh no what do we do?" Yeona asked Jaemin.

"Why the hell would I help you??" Jaemin seethed out.

"Please I can't have them find me please help just this once!" Yeona pleaded.

"Fine let me think-" Jaemins sentence got cut off by the beep from Yeonas phone. Yeona grabbed her phone to find a text from Sunghoon.


Yeona where are you? You got called to the office, why are you taking so long?

Sunghoon this is urgent ok?

What happened?? Are you ok??

I need you to get out of the school while avoiding 3 guys wearing black suits and a X on their neck.

Yeona what is going on?

Sunghoon I promise I will answer your questions later just make an excuse and get out of the school and just get away as far as possible.

What about the other students?

That doesn't matter just get out of the school.

Alright. Be safe wherever you are, I trust you.

Yeona sighed putting away her phone.
"Who was that?"

"Sunghoon. Anyways what do we do?"

"Try opening the door, see if they're out there."
Yeona cautiously and quietly opened the door poking her head out looking at both sides.

"No one, it's clear I think." Yeona closed the door not wanting to risk getting caught.

"Ok so I texted my members for help. On my call, you're gonna open the door and we'll run out the back."

"Wait but where do we go after that?"

"The members agreed to let you come to the headquarters for your safety." Yeona felt a bit uneasy but went along with the plan.
She watched as Jaemin poked his head out the door.

"Ok let's go." The two quickly walked out the door and ran, coincidentally the EXO members had just walked out the corner seeing the two students running, both Jaemin and Yeona stopped dead in their tracks.

"Nam Yeona? Here you were! Gosh how much we missed you!" Chanyeol sneered with a smirk. Yeona drowned in panic as her eyes darted between the 3 members standing in front of her.

"Oh, and who do we have here?" He pointed at Jaemin who was standing by Yeonas side.
"I'm a bit hurt Yeona, you abandon EXO to join NCT? You remember we valued loyalty over anything." Yeona gritted her teeth in anger as she glared deeply into his eyes.

"Now why that look? Come on, let's stop running and go home."
"Home? What a joke..." Yeona had a dark expression plastered on her face, she clenched her jaw and fist in anger. Suddenly in one quick motion, she grabbed Jaemins hand pulling him as they ran.

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