chapter 16

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Yeona laid weakly on the cold floor, her eyelid becoming heavier as the time went by.
No one had came to check on her, for 3 hours she was left slumped over like a rag doll.

I can't give up here. I have to get out.

Yeona scanned the small basement, there was not much there.
In the corner was a ladder, some chains, buckets, and traffic cones stacked upon each other. Yeona sighed loudly as she thought of plan in her head.
Yeona struggled as she held her side in pain standing up, she limped as she made every effort to the items placed in the corner.

She grabbed the ladder lining it up with the very small window at the very top of the wall. Climbing up the ladder, she reached the tiny window.

"Are you serious..." Yeona started fumbling with the rusty lock, she used all her remaining strength into that small lock. She gave up realizing it wouldn't budge no matter how hard she tried. Suddenly, she heard the door rattle. Her eyes shot over, her heartbeat intensified as she hurriedly got off the ladder sitting in the same spot she was left.

"Yeona?" Yeona looked up at the person.
"Are you feeling ok...?" Yeona coldly glared at them as they stiffly stood by the door. They shut it walking towards her.
"Yeona, here I have food." Yeona looked down at the tray, a blob of mashed potato's, some strange meat, and corn.

Yeona threw the tray to the side sending all the food sliding on the floor.

"What is that, prison food?" Yeona scoffed.

"Yeona if you don't eat you'll become weak." They started picking up the already discarded food from the floor.

"I'm not eating that." Yeona said as her attention diverted away from the person.
They walked up to her kneeling down to her slumped over body.

"Yeona. You really can't you join us again...?" The sincerity in their eyes glistened as they grabbed her hand softly placing it in their hands.

"No. Not after what you guys did."
"Yeona I understand that you're upset"
"If you understood then WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP, KAI?!" In a fit of rage, Yeona yelled out her words shocking Kai making him back up. Tears filled her eyes threatening to fall, she turns her head not wanting to seem weak.

"Yeona, I really wanted to help you know I did."

"So why didn't you...?" Yeona softly asked.

The silence was more than enough for and answer. Yeona softly chuckled at herself for even expecting a reasonable response.

"Get out, please." Yeona requested. Kai sighed not wanting to leave his best friend in the cold, damp, and dark basement.

"I'm sorry." Kai stood up walking away leaving Yeona to her own thoughts.

It's been a while since Kai had left, again, no one had came to check on Yeona

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It's been a while since Kai had left, again, no one had came to check on Yeona.

"Damn... should I have eaten the food?" Yeonas stomach rumbled loudly, she placed her hand on her stomach rubbing it in attempts of easing the hunger.

Just then, the door had opened, Yeona looked up to see who it was.

Oh god...

Yeona watched as Baekhyun slowly and menacingly walked down the stairs with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face.

As soon as he had reached Yeona, he sent a hard unexpected kick to her stomach.
Yeona coughed violently holding her stomach.

"What was that for?!" Yeona asked while coughing in pain holding her abdomen. Baekhyun laughed like a child as he clapped watching Yeona groan in pain.

"Nam Yeona guess what!!"

"You're not getting out of here!!" Baekhyun jumped and clapped as he loudly laughed.
"You're stuck here!!" He pointed and cackled at the girl. Yeona watched in disbelief not sure what to think.

I'm.. stuck here?

"What are you gonna do?" Baekhyun asked with a wide, maniacal smile staring straight into Yeonas eyes. Yeona didn't know what to do, for the first time in a while, she didn't have an escape plan.
"NOTHING!!" Baekhyun screamed out.
"YOU CAN'T GET OUT YEONA!!" He tormented the girl as he screamed in laughter.

"I'll be back!!" Baekhyun turned his back walking to the door shutting it with the familiar locking sound. Yeona stood up walking to the door, she gripped the handle as she pushed down. Although it was locked, she shook the door harshly. She threw her body to the door, using all her strength trying to open the metal door.

She yelled in frustration.
"LET ME OUT!!" She pounded on the door, no one cared. She kept trying and trying to break down the door with her body to the point where it bruise and bled. In defeat, she weakly slid her body down the door as tears flowed down her cheeks. She dragged herself back to her corner as she held her aching arm.

She had no other choice but to give up. She laid on the cold floor, she tried to sleep to pass time, no matter what position she was in, her entire body throbbed in pain.

She had no energy to stay awake, almost immediately she fell asleep.

Yeona awoken to the sound of loud banging, being as she just woke up, she was confused where the sound was coming from.

She pushed herself up as she listened closer. She realized it was coming from outside the door, she flimsily brought herself closer to the door leaning her ear on the metal trying to hear the commotion.

To her surprise, gun shots and yelling was all she could hear.

Are they getting ambushed??

Yeona backed away from the door, she searched the basement for a weapon incase the intruders were to find where she was.

She broke off a piece of scrap metal by kicking it from the corner of the basement, sharp enough to harm someone.

She waited besides the door out of sight if someone were to walk in. She got into position to stab anyone that busted through, waiting in anticipation.

Instantly, the door bursted wide open, Yeona slashed whatever her hand could reach.


Yeona looked up realizing it wasn't an EXO member.

"FUCK my ankle what the hell lady?!" He held a gun, threatened, Yeona held the metal in front of her.

"Don't come near me." She said threateningly.

"Look i'm here to help you, gosh but my leg." The guy whined in pain as he held his leg. Suddenly, a familiar figure had also came through the door.


"Come on let's go."

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