chapter 18

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"They... killed someone you loved?" Jaemin was a bit shocked to here that for the first time. He knew what it felt like losing someone so he felt sympathy for her.
"If you don't mind me asking, who?"

"My girlfriend."
"You're gay?!"
"No i'm bisexual. I like girls and guys." Yeona replied chuckling.

"Ohhh. Me too!" Jaemin exclaimed.
"Well i'm not sure yet."

"Really? That's cool." Yeona replied quietly.

"But... did they really kill your girlfriend?"
"They actually didn't. Bigbang Seungri did."
"Then why did you say EXO did?"

"She got kidnapped by Bigbang because of some debt EXO owned... They refused to help me save her no matter how hard I begged." Yeonas voice became heavier as she took another puff of her cigarette.
"They killed her right in front of me." She looked down sadly as the memories flooded her head.

"She did... nothing to deserve to die. If she hadn't gotten involved with me, she..." Yeona choked on her tears, the falling into silence.

"Well... i'm sorry to hear that." Jaemin said. Silence took over. Only the sounds of the harsh wind whistling in the air could be heard.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea i'm fine I guess." Yeona muttered.

"No you're not." Jaemin said. He walked towards Yeona sitting next to her.

"What is this, Na Jaemin comforting me?" Yeona bitterly laughed looking at Jaemin.

"Tell me about her." Jaemin stated. Yeona wasn't expecting him to ask, she smiled remembering her.

"Well she was tiny, like a tiny puppy. She was always happy and energetic, she never let anyone bring down her mood. She had a small bob haircut which made her look like a doll, her eyes, it would sparkle when she smiled it was the cutest thing. She always cheered me up no matter how bad of a mood I was in, she seemed like the only person that would make this life well, seem worth living. Just her presence was enough for me to cheer up. She was my angel, my first love."
Yeona smiled while thinking of her. Jaemin listened well.

"She definitely seems like a great person, Yeona." Jaemin commented.

"Mmhmm. She was-" Yeona's voice broke as a tear drop escaped her eye. Jaemin patted her back.
"But why did you ask?" Yeona asked Jaemin.

"Because when you lose someone, instead of sulking over the fact that they're gone, you should remember how they were when they were here."

"Ahh... that's some very wise words, you must be smart." Yeona said giggling.

"I'm actually not I have very bad grades in school right now." Jaemin stated. Yeona and Jaemin laughed in unison at his statement.

"Have you had your first love?" Yeona asked.

"Um, yea, I have actually."
"Oh really? Who are they?"
"She well she is already with another guy..."

"Oh, i'm sorry about that man.." Yeona noticed his facial expression turn into a slight frown.
"It's Daiyu."


"Yep. The Daiyu in this group. She was my first love, but she's dating Shotaro now."

"...Can you tell me how she's like." Yeona asked, Jaemin smiled at her using the same technique he did.

"I would but i'm trying to get over her, she doesn't know I liked her so I wanna quickly stop having feelings." Jaemin replied.

"Must be rough, having a crush on your friends girlfriend." Yeona said sadly.

"Must be more rough for you. Can't even imagine what you had to go through you poor soul" Jaemin replied.

"The best way to get over someone is to start dating new people." Yeona told Jaemin, he then looked up surprised.


"Well yea, I mean start looking around and you'll find someone new, someone you truly love." Yeona advised.

"You make it sound so easy." Jaemin said softly.

"Well I mean you're not too bad looking, you can probably pull any girl." Yeona assured Jaemin.

"You're saying i'm attractive?"
"Well no, not exactly."

Jaemin placed his hand on his chest where his heart was located pretending he had gotten hurt physically by her words.

"No not that you're not attractive you're just not.. attractive to me..." Yeona quietly said not wanting to sound rude.

"I'm not attractive to you?" Jaemin asked, Yeona nodded her head.
"Am I really not attractive to you?" Jaemin suddenly started leaning his face closer and closer to her.

"...What are you doing?" Yeona asked as she backed up. She was in a sitting position so as she backed up, her hands had to support her so she didn't fall on her back.

Yeona laughed at him realizing what he was trying to do. Instead of backing up farther, she boldly pushed herself forward, Yeonas forehead landed on his as her nose grazed his, making him back up instead.

"What the hell." Jaemin looked shocked as he covered his lips.

"I wasn't gonna kiss you, moron." She laughed at his reaction and stood up. She threw her cigarette on the floor stomping on it.

"I'm going back inside." Yeona said as she turned around walking back into the base, Jaemin followed along.

" Yeona said as she turned around walking back into the base, Jaemin followed along

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Yeona walked through the hallway of the large base.
"Hey do you think you can have someone drop me off at home? I really don't wanna stay here and disturb you guys." Yeona asked Jaemin as the two walked the hallways together.

"Why? I think you should stay here at least until you fully heal." Jaemin said.

"If anything I can just go to the hospital to get treatment." Yeona replied.

"And what about EXO? They'll still be looking for you, you'll be safer here." Jaemin said concerned.

"If anything, i'll get you guys in danger, don't worry about me, i'll take the bus home so just tell Kun that I left early."

"Are you sure?"
"Positive. I'm gonna get going now, bye Jaemin!"

Yeona smiled at Jaemin waving goodbye before turning around and walking to the front door. She stopped in her tracks when someone very familiar stood in front of her.

"Oh, hi Yeona." Karina smiled slightly waving to her. Yeona was unphased, she simply walked around her to get to the door.

I'm not dealing with her today.

It was very late during the time Yeona left the NCT headquarters, 12:36 AM to be exact, so all the buses were currently closed.

Yeona unfortunately had to walk to her house during the very cold and dark night.

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