chapter 21

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"Where are you even taking me?!" Yeona shouted as the two ran.

"Oh you'll see, don't worry it'll be fun!!" Jaemin shouted back.

"I didn't agree to this!!" Yeona shouted.

"I don't care!!"

Yeona shook her head chuckling at Jaemin.

"Jesus- hold on hold on." Yeona forcefully pulls Jaemin to stop him from running.
"Gosh where the hell are we even running that we can't take a bus?" Yeona asked out of breath.

"Hm, yea taking a bus would be easier... But that's no fun, come on let's go!"

"Aghh no i'm not running!" Yeona shouts as she sits on the concrete refusing to get up.

"Come on! It's a good workout!"
"Are you calling me fat?"
"No, I never said that, I may be a dick but i'm respectful."

Yeona stood up back in her feet looking at Jaemin.

"Where the hell is this place anyways?" Yeona asked.

"Well it's an amusement park with like huge rollercoasters, figured it would be nice to just relieve some stress." Jaemin said.

Yeona huffed annoyed looking at Jaemin.

"Fine but we're walking, if you force me to run I swear I will put a bullet in you." Yeona jokingly threatened.

"Yea yea ok, whatever you want."

"So why are we here?" Yeona asked

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"So why are we here?" Yeona asked. Jaemin had led her to a large amusement park, people screaming as the roller coaster zoomed passed them.

"Which ride do you wanna go one first?" Jaemin asked ignoring her question.

"A ride- I don't know?? I don't go to amusement parks." Yeona said.

"Ok then let's go... to that one!!" Jaemin pointed at an enormous roller coaster, at least over 300 feet tall it stood. Yeona looked up in a mix of awe and fear.

"Today is the day i'm gonna die, fuck Baekhyun tryna kill me THIS thing is gonna kill me." Yeona murmured, she jumped at the sound of the roller coaster practically flying past her as she felt the floor rumble by the force.

"I'm not going on that, are you crazy??" Yeona shouted.

"That's too bad... I don't care, let's go." Jaemin grabbed Yeonas wrist forcefully pulling her towards the line. They stood behind a few people as more started lining up behind them, Jaemin with a huge smile plastered on his face as he looked up at the monstrous ride.

"Nope no no nope hell fucking no." Yeona stammered struggling through the people to leave, but Jaemin kept a hold on her wrist preventing her from leaving.

"Oh come on!!"
"It's not even that bad, just come on once and we can do what you what after." Jaemin pleaded.

"Yea I wanna go home after." Yeona blurted out.

"No that's so boring, you have to come. Please!!!" Jaemin begged, Yeona sighed rolling her eyes.

"If I go once I can go home, right?" Yeona asked.

"Yeah, yeah sure whatever!!"

"REALLY?? YAY!!" Jaemin jumped up and down excitedly as he pulled Yeona close.

"I hate you."
"Mhm ok."

The two walked over the roller coaster, they chose two seats next to each other.

"I'm gonna regret this so bad oh my god." Yeona whined as she started buckling herself in.

"Don't worry you won't fly off, maybe." Jaemin giggled as Yeona glared at him. The worker started checking each seat for any faults making sure everyone is secure.

"It's starting, Yeona!"
"Oh god it's starting.."

The ride then started, first by slowly moving forward, then up the steep rail. For a moment, they stopped moving as then approached the highest point of the ride.

It's gonna drop, oh my fucking god.

The ride instantaneously dropped.

Yeonas stomach completely dropped alongside the ride, everyone screamed in unison as the ride became 10x quicker than before.

The ride went through twist and turns, Yeona finally gave in to the screams and joined out of terror and joy.

"Oh my god." Yeona exclaimed as the ride came to an end, she looked to the side of her and there was Jaemin with the widest smile.

"THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL!!" He yelled as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
"Where do you wanna go now??" Jaemin asked excitedly.

"No, we said that after this I get to go home." Yeona declined as the two walked away.

"Already?? That's no fun... come on!! Let's do something else!!"

Before Yeona could finish her sentence, Jaemin grabbed her wrist pulling her away.

"Let's go in there!" Jaemin exclaimed pointing at a mini gift shop not too far from the ride they just got off of.

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