chapter 14

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The two ran as fast as their bodies could handle, nonstop. The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard from behind them as they sprinted throughout the school.

"Where are we running?" Jaemin managed to say while running.

"Ahh I don't know!!" Yeonas grip on Jaemin's hand tightened as she made quick left and right turns.

"Follow me!" Jaemin yelled. The two switched roles as Jaemin dragged Yeona to the door that lead to the rooftop, unfortunately, the members had easily caught up with them. One of them grabbed Yeonas wrist in attempt to take her.

"Shit- help me!" Yeona yelled to Jaemin, with her free legs, she kicked right in the middle of his stomach with enough force to push him far enough.
The two ran through the door using their bodies to hold it shut as the other 3 tried breaking it down.
"What do we do??" Yeona asked while panting.

"On three we're gonna let go and run up the stairs without stopping." Jaemin said, Yeona nodded her head in agreement.

"1..2...3!!" The two let go of the door making the 3 EXO members tumble to the floor. They dashed up the stairs as the 3 struggled to get up. Quickly enough, they reached the top of the roof but couldn't waste any time.

"Ok what do we do??" Yeona panically asked. On the rooftop, there was technically no other place to go besides the door they just came from. The two hurriedly scanned the area for a quick escape route. Suddenly Jaemin ran and made a enormous jump between the two buildings.

Does he expect me to jump that??

Yeona ran after him stopping right at the edge.
"Come on! Jump!!" Jaemin yelled to Yeona. Yeonas legs shook as she observed the large gap between her and the ground.

She gulped as she looked at Jaemin who was beckoning her to simply jump.
"ARE YOU CRAZY??" Yeona yelled.
"I'll find somewhere else." She stood up scanning the rooftop, but the three EXO members had just arrived to the rooftop.

"JUST JUMP ILL CATCH YOU!!" Yeona absolutely did NOT want to jump that gap. She'd rather get captured by EXO and go through hell than jump that.
"YEONA SNAP OUT OF IT AND JUMP!" The members came closer and closer, Yeona looked at Jaemins arm swallowing the lump in her throat.

Yeona you have to jump...

She turned around facing Jaemin. She inhaled before running clearing the gap. Luckily, Jaemin had grabbed her arm preventing her from potentially falling. She pulled herself up accidentally tumbling over and on top of Jaemins body.

Her eyes were shut tight. Slowly she opened her eyes meeting them with Jaemin as he was awkwardly positioned under her body, her eyes widen realizing their position swiftly standing while helping him up.

"Fuck i'm not jumping that!" She heard one of the members yell.

"Come on let's just run." Jaemin grabbed Yeonas hand dragging her to the scaffold on the side of the building, the two carefully made their way down where they ended up in a alleyway.

"Ah ah wait wait wait." Yeona held up her palm for Jaemin to stop running. Yeona violently coughed as her hands were on both her knees holding her up. The two waited in the alleyway catching their breath.

"I feel like i'm dying." Yeona said out of breath.

"Ok let's go." Jaemin said.
"Go where? I'm going home to pack my things." Yeona said as she walked away, suddenly a tug from her wrist stopped her.

"Pack your things? Why so suddenly?" He asked.

"I gotta get out of Seoul. It's too bad I just got here a few weeks ago..." Yeona sighed sadly.
"It was nice meeting you I guess, and thanks for helping me out!" Yeona waved her hand as she ran off to her home leaving Jaemin.

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