chapter 4

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Yeona woke to the sound of the doorbell ringing. She groaned loudly before sitting up checking the time on her phone.
"It's fucking 8:00 AM who the fuck..." She mumbled to herself before throwing the sheets off walking to the door angry and tired. She looked through the peephole and saw a girl holding a plate of food smiling.

"Who is it?" Yeona yells from inside the home.

"Hello! I notice you moved in here and wanted to introduce myself." She yelled back.

Just get the food and you can go back to sleep Yeona.

Yeona unlocks the door opening it. The girl smiled while holding the food. Then, her eyebrows furrowed as her nose crinkled after smelling the stench of the cigarette from the night before.

"Who are you." Yeona asked coldly. The girl seemed taken aback by her impoliteness.

"Hello, my name is Yoo Jimin but you can call me Karina, it's my nickname. I wanted to drop some food off as a little welcome gift as my new neighbor." Karina smiled while holding the plate in front of her.

Yeona was stumped by the random act of kindness. She grabbed the plate from the girl.


"You're welcome! What's your name? How old are you? What school do you go to?" Karina threw questions at Yeona making her feel uneasy.
She must've noticed her uncomfortable expression.
"Oh i'm sorry, it's just I haven't had a neighbor in the longest time."

"No it's ok.. um my name is Nam Yeona i'm 19 years old and I don't go to school.." Yeona quietly said.

"Ohhh i'm one year older than you!" Karina seemed a bit surprised when Yeona said she didn't go to school.
"You don't go to school? Why is that?" She asked curiously.

"Just because..." Yeona shrugged her shoulders praying this neighbor would go away.

"Ah... well if you ever want to. You can enroll in my schools website. They allow anyone in at anytime if you're having trouble finding one." Karina wrote down her school information on a piece of paper before handing it to Yeona.
"Consider it, it'll be fun if your there. I can be your first friend!"

Yeona awkwardly smiled and nodded her head before putting the paper in her pocket.

"Well I hope I see you around often!" Karina waved goodbye as Yeona does as well. Yeona closes the door and locks it sighing in relief, she sat down at her table with the plate in her hand. It was two cupcakes, Yeona decided to eat them for her breakfast.

 It was two cupcakes, Yeona decided to eat them for her breakfast

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Yeona walks out of the bathroom after finishing washing up. She whistles a tune while walking to her room, she carelessly throws her dirty clothes on the floor and something catches her eyes, it was the piece of paper about the school.
Yeona kneels down and grabs the paper reading it. She taps her chin in consideration.

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