chapter 17

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Yeona was dumbfounded once Jaemin had busted through the door.

"Come on, let's go." Jaemin held out his hand pulling Yeona up. Jaemin covered Yeonas body as the two slid through the various gunshots being fired throughout the base.

He brought her to a car where she was instructed to wait until he got back.
"Stay here and don't come out until I come back." He said.

Yeona nodded, Jaemin turned running back to the base. Yeona moved to the window peeping out watching him run back into the battlefield of a building.
Relieved, she rested her body by the much more comfortable car seats.

I made it out...

She placed her hand on her rapidly pounding heart and closed her eyes collecting herself. She calmed herself down, as she thought.

Why out of all people, the NCT guys came? Did they know or something?

Yeona was confused, how did they know she was there?
Soon after, the doors of the car opened and 4 men had sat down. Yeona was cramped in between Jaemin and another member of nct she didn't know.

"" Jaemin said out of breath. Yeona noticed he was panting and sweating as if he had ran an entire marathon.

Yeona had so many questions but wasn't sure if it was the right time to ask them. She simply stayed quiet looking forward.

"Not even a thank you?"

"We just saved your ass back there, the least you could do is say thanks." Jaemin uttered bitterly.

"Ah right, thank you." Yeona responded blankly. The car ride was uncomfortable and silent, Yeona was worried that if she even breathed too loud that attention would be brought to her.

"By the way, where are we going?" Yeona uncomfortably asked due to the awkward air surrounding her.

"We're going to the NCT headquarters."
"Oh you can just drop me home, that'll be fine."
"No, we have some things we need to ask you."
"okay then..."

Yeona didn't feel as though it was her place to protest since without them, she wouldn't have even gotten out.

Soon enough they all arrived

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Soon enough they all arrived. Yeona was familiar with the place, since during her EXO days she did have to attack it. It felt strange to walk into the base, she walked through the doors and all eyes landed on the girl.

"Hello..." Yeona respectfully bowed, she felt uncomfortable with all the staring

"Nam Yeona."
"Yes" Yeona replied immediately.

"Follow me." Yeona swiftly trailed behind the leader, Taeyong as the two walked to his office. She sat down in front of him.

"I'm gonna just ask you a few question." Yeona nodded.
"Be very clear, did you really leave EXO?" He questioned.
"Yes I did." Yeona answered.

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