chapter 6

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Yeona walked back into the school leaving Jaemin. She scoffed laughing at herself thinking of the quarrel they had.
"He's got some guts. What a joke..." Yeona didn't know where to go so she just roamed the hallways in her own thoughts.

*Bell Rings*

Yeona watches as students flood the hallways, they all walked to their classes, some pushing her on their way. One particular person push her shoulder with enough force to make Yeona lose her balance and fall to the floor.

Whoever the person was didn't even bother saying sorry or helping her.
"Ow the fuck!" She looked back trying to find whoever pushed her until someone reached out their hand.

"You ok?" It was Karina. Yeona grabbed her hand as she helped her stand.

"Yea, thanks. But who the fuck was that?" Yeona dusted off her skirt and stood tall trying to find who it was over the dozens of heads.

"Just let them go they probably didn't even notice. Come on i'll walk you to your next class!" Karina links her arm was Yeona as she drags her away.

"Yoo Jimin, what have I told you about physical contact."
"Oh, you're right I forgot!" Karina let go of Yeonas arm as she giggled at Yeonas stern expression.
"But I have a question, Yeona."

"Hm?" The two start walking through the hallways.

"Do you by any chance, smoke?" Karina ask. Yeona nodded her head in response while not making eye contact.
"Ahhh well I could tell from when I first met you anyways." Yeona laughed remembering her face when she first came to her apartment.

"But when did you start smoking anyways?" Karina ask curiously.

"Why are you asking?"
"Oh I was just curio-"

"Approximately 9 months ago." Karina made a dramatic gasping sound as she covered her mouth.

"You know that's bad for your health right?!" Yeona looked at her with a dead face.

"Nooo of course I know it's bad, i'm not an idiot I just do stupid things." Yeona shrugged and laughed at herself.

"But why do you do it anyways, Yeona?"

"The same reason as most people, because of stress mainly though. I picked it up through an old friend of mine."

"Who's is this old friend?"

"Must you ask so many questions? Just an old friend that's all." Yeona said while raising her voice slightly showing she was getting fed up by the sudden interview.

"Sorry... but anyways I need to go BYE!!" Karina waves Yeona goodbye. Yeona soon then realizes she didn't know where the hell she was, she was just walking with Karina not realizing she had classes to attend.

*Bell rings*

"Awwhhh shit." Yeona looked around the hallways realizing they were empty now. She looked at the paper she stuffed in her pocket and went searching for her classroom.
She finally found the class she needed to go to, science. She opened the door and almost immediately all eyes fell on her.

Yeona was embarrassed and awkwardly stepped into the room while bowing to the teacher.
"I'm sorry I was late."

"Oh? You're new? What's your name, new student?" The teacher pointed at Yeona realizing she was new.

"Shall I introduce myself? Hello my name is Nam Yeona." Yeona faces the class and bows scanning the students in the room. She found a few recognizable faces, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung were in this class, the boys from Karinas little gang.

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