chapter 12

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Yeona slowly opened the door sending everyone's attention towards her.
"i'm sorry i'm late.." Yeona bowed to the teacher who looked at her with a blank expression.
"Ah... I don't have time for detention so just hurry and sit down. I'll forget about this." Yeona scurried to her seat trying to draw the attention away from her.

"Why were you late?" Yeona turned to head to see Jaemin staring at her resting his head on his hand.
"I'm curious."
"I just.. overslept."
"Overslept? for 2 hours?"
"Yes 2 hours now stop asking." Yeona seethed out. Yeona laid her left hand on her desk catching Jaemins attention.

"Woah what happened??" Jaemin pointed at Yeonas bandages on her left hand that had dried blood seeping through the cotton. Yeona never had experience in bandaging her own wounds so she did a lousy job in bandaging herself.

"I just fell."
"On what? Glass?" Jaemin asked sarcastically. Yeona looked at him shocked after he somehow guessed it right.
"How did you..."
"DID YOU ACTUALLY?!" Jaemin suddenly yelled out, everyone turned their heads to Yeona and Jaemin giving them strange looks.
The teacher crossed their arms glaring at Jaemin who had just interrupted the lesson.

"Jaemin. Would you like to share to the class what you were talking about?"
"No, I apologize." Yeona chuckled quietly after Jaemin got caught by the teacher. The teacher resumed teaching, Yeona as well turned her head away from Jaemin going back to her own business until she felt a tap.

"Wait but was it really cause of glass?"

"Yea it was, happy?" Yeona said irritated, she smacked his hand away rolling her eyes and turning to the side.
Soon enough class ended, Yeona stood up from her desk walking out the door until someone grabbed her shoulder turning her around.

"Wait wait how did you get glass in your hand? I actually have a fri-"
"Oh my gosh- would you get lost already? Why the fuck do you care." Yeona shoved his hand away giving him a dirt look before walking out.

What the fuck is up with him...

As Yeona walked through the hallways, she felt another tug at her shoulder.
Annoyed, in one motion she swiftly turned her whole body.
"Ah- would you fuck off already?" Yeona called out to who she assumed was Jaemin. To her surprise, Sunghoon was standing there with a confused and somewhat offended expression.

"Oh Sunghoon, sorry I thought you were someone else."
"Are you ok?" Sunghoon asked concerned.

"Yea i'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Yeona laughed at him. Sunghoon then grabbed her left hand.

"What is this? What happened?" Sunghoon asked with his eyes wide open concerned.

"I fell on glass" Yeona calmly said. Sunghoons face grew shocked and worried
"Wha- glass?! Yeona how do you just fall on glass?" Yeona turned to face him.

"Why? Are you worried?" Yeona moved her face closer to him making him back up disgusted.

"Uh- oh my god. Your breath stinks." Sunghoon pinched his nose blocking the scent of her alcohol scented breath.

"Wha- you could be a bit nicer sheesh." Yeona said while turning her head away flustered.
"Here" Sunghoon handed her a mint and gum which she took.

"Does it smell really bad...?"
"Yea it does. Did you drink or something." Yeona looked down nodding her head embarrassed.

"What about now?" Yeona suddenly moved her face towards his suddenly shooting a hot breath. Sunghoon gagged before pushing her away.

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