chapter 10

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Sunghoon and Yeona roamed the park trying to figure out what to do to keep them busy.

"How about we... go on the playground." Yeona pointed at the small playground which had toddlers and kids playing and screaming.

"Yeona i'm taller than that slide." Sunghoon deadpanned staring straight at the tiny slide which was a basically a rock compared to him.

"Ok then how about, make friends with the squirrels over there."
"How are we even suppose to do that?"
"I don't know, they like acorns don't they?" Sunghoon laughed at the girl while shaking his head. Yeona sighed loudly as she kicked rocks in front of her.

"Uggghhh i'm so bored." Yeona slumped on a bench as Sunghoon joined besides her.

"I'll figure out something." Silence took over them as Sunghoon tried thinking of something the two could do for fun.
His eyes wandered the land, there wasn't much besides a playground and beach. As he was searching the area, his eyes landed on something in Yeonas bag.

"What's that?" Yeonas head rose up, she looked in the direction of his eyes which lead to the cigarettes poking out of her unzipped bag.

"Oh, cigs." She poked them back in and securely zipped it shut.

"Should I... try one-"
"No." Yeona bluntly said not making eye contact with the boy.

"Why not? If you do it why can't I?" Yeona sat up to look him in the eyes trying to figure out if he was begging genuinely serious or not.

"You actually want to?" He excitedly nodded his head thinking she would let him try.
"Did you not learn that these things are no good?"

"Well obviously but like, it's always something i've wanted to try before I die."

"No you don't wanna try these. Don't even think about it ever again, stay the sweet pure smart kid ok?"

"Smart is a stretch. But why do you smoke anyways."
Yeona thought to herself the real reason why she picked up the unhealthy habit.

"Yeona thought to herself the real reason why she picked up the unhealthy habit

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Flashback 10 months ago...

"AYEONG!!" Yeona screamed to her lover that sat tied up and blind folded in the broken wooden chair which was surrounded by the members of Bigbang. One of the members, Seungri held a loaded pistol to her temple.

"Nam Yeona, you don't remember the deal of ours? You could've given us the 1.3 billion you owe and none of this would be happening." Seungri said as he poked Ayeongs head with the barrel of the gun.
Yeonas heart raced as she looked at her girlfriend who was crying her heart out terrified.

"Yeona please... don't let them.." Ayeong managed words out of her mouth as she was choked on her tears. Seungri then pull the blind fold over her head revealing her eyes.

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