chapter 26

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"Give us Yeona and we'll give you your members."

Jaemin froze. In any other situation, the deal would be easy for him to make, anything for his members, but he couldn't do it.

"It's a simple trade. We'll give you your members and stop messing with you guys, and you give us Yeona."

"Accept it."
"Just say yes."

Yeona told Jaemin to agree but Jaemin couldn't pull himself to do it.

"You hear that? She agreed." Baekhyun said with a maniacal chuckle.

"No Yeona i'm not letting y-"
"Jaemin you have to do this! Don't be stupid now, it's either me or your members. Give me up." Yeona said sternly with wide eyes.

Jaemin fumbled, he couldn't do it. Jaemins silence wasn't getting them anywhere, so Yeona had to do it herself.

She unarmed herself by throwing her pistol to the floor, walking forward with a cold glare.
"Now let them go." She demands.

"Very well." Baekhyun harshly pulls them up using a knife to cut the rope tying their hands together.

"Yeona what are you doing?!" Taeyong yells as he is getting freed.

"Taeyong this is the only way we'll get through this without anyone getting hurt!" Yeona says.

"Finally..." Baekhyun says evilly.
"Yeona we are glad to have you back."

Yeona looked down avoiding eye contact with him.

"And don't you even DARE think about planning to save your little damsel in distress. If we ever see one of you guys again will put a bullet in her skull before you can even get to her, don't try anything." Baekhyun threatened as he put his hand on Yeonas shoulder, only for her to harshly swipe it off.

"Fuck off I swear." She seethed at Baekhyun who only raised his hand up mockingly in fear.

"Now, go on, shoo." Baekhyun pointed them towards the door. Jaemin wouldn't accept this, in a fit of rage he charged towards Baekhyun, then, a shotgun was pointed at him forcing him to stop.

"Don't be stupid." He threatened.

"Jaemin come on, we need to go." Taeyong said.

"I will fucking kill you, I will." Jaemin threatened, Baekhyun smirked evilly making Jaemins blood boil. Taeyong had to push him and pull in order to force him out.

"We are not leaving her there are you guys fucking slow?!!"

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"We are not leaving her there are you guys fucking slow?!!"

Jaemin shouted at his members as they arrived back at there base. He couldn't find the words to express his anger, he should've done something, he let her get taken like it was nothing. He clenched his fist as he paced the room.

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