chapter 5

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"Hello, my name is Nam Yeona." Yeona bows respectfully, her eyes spotted Karina who was smiling and waving happily.
The students in the class clapped.

"Wow shes pretty"
"She's kinda hot no lie."
"I think i'm gay."

Yeona awkwardly smiled ignoring the comments. She looked at the teacher waiting for more directions.
"Alright you may sit next to Karina who seems to know you." Yeona bows and walks towards Karina who was smiling brightly at her.

"You actually came!" Karina jumps in her seat excitedly as Yeona sits down.

"Well, I just wanted to try going to school for a change.." Yeona mumbled. She placed her bag on the floor, she noticed some gazes from 2 students to the right of her. She gave them a strange look mouthing "what" making them break eye contact.
"What's their problem..." Yeona mumbled before turning her attention towards the teacher.

"What was that?" Karina asks.

"No, no it's nothing."

Yeona was the most lost and confused she ever was in her life. This is the exact reason why she didn't wanna go to school.

X, Y, A, B, C, D- what the hell is all this shit?!

Yeona sighed in frustration before fiddling with her pencil giving it all her attention.
She doodled on the notebook after losing all interest in what the teacher was saying, soon after 1 hour, the bell rang.

"Yeona! Let's go hang out somewhere!" Karina links her arm with Yeona. Yeona was unfamiliar with this type of affection, it's been months since someone made an attempt to be her friend.

"What the hell..." Yeona unlinked her arm. "You don't have other friends?" Yeona asked.

"I do of course! I want to introduce them to you!" Karina once again links her arm with her as she forcefully dragged her to the lunch room.

"Guys! This is Yeona and she's new to this school AND my new neighbor!" Karina presents Yeona as if she was a grand prize

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"Guys! This is Yeona and she's new to this school AND my new neighbor!" Karina presents Yeona as if she was a grand prize. Yeona stood stiffly and waved.

"Uh, hello my name is Nam Yeona." She let out an awkward smile before Karina forcefully pulled her down to sit next to her.

"Ok i'll say their names. Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung, Jeno, Renjun, Mark, Haechan, Shotaro, Sungchan, Ningning, and Daiyu!" Karina said in one breath.

"Ah ok, hello nice to meet you." Yeona is extremely awkward and anti social so meeting new people is very new to her. All of the students greeted Yeona and were very warm to her besides one person, Jaemin.

"So Yeona, why did you suddenly decide to come to this school in the middle of the year?" Haechan asked.

Because i'm being chased down by a mafia and had to run to Seoul so that I wouldn't fucking die.

"I just moved into Seoul by myself that's why." Yeona replied.

"She's my neighbor!" Karina announces.
How many times will she remind people i'm her neighbor...

"Yea and i'm her neighbor..." She smiles softly as Karina looked at Yeona like she was her biggest achievement in her 20 years of life.
Yeona looks to the right and noticed 3 people staring at her neck, it was Daiyu, Shotaro, and Jaemin. They facial expressions looked a bit... annoyed? Mad? Whatever it was it wasn't nice.

Yeona realized they were looking at her tattoo, she subtly fixed her hair moving it in front of the tattoo covering it.

"Yeona how old are you?" Jisung asks. Yeonas attention was diverted away from the 3 other students as she looked at him.

"Me? Oh i'm 19 years old I was born August 13th 2001." Yeona says.

"August 13th? What a coincidence! You and Jaemin share the same birthday! You're exactly one year younger than him." Karina exclaims while clapping excitedly. Yeona looks towards Jaemin and smiles, he smiles back.

That smile was definitely was fake...

Yeona looked at him strangely before turning her attention towards Karina.

"I'm gonna go somewhere quickly, i'll see you later!" Yeona quickly says her goodbyes.

"Wait but you don't even know your way through the school..." Karinas sighed after Yeona ignored her and quickly walked off.

Yeona was uncomfortable by the atmosphere in that table. She decided to walk out of the school and sneak a quick smoke.
She walked out the door and scanned the area making sure no students or teacher were around. She leaned her back against the wall pulling out a cigarette lighting it.

Yeona blew out the smoke and sighed while closing her eyes. After her 2nd puff, she felt a presence in front of her. She opened her eyes and saw Jaemin.

"What." She asked coldly while moving her hand away from her face. Jaemin suddenly walked closer to Yeona trapping her against the wall with his arms he then grabs the cigarette from her hand throwing it to the floor proceeding to stomp on it.

"You-" Jaemin was cut off by Yeona stepping forward once pushing him away with her body. She scoffed poking her tongue into her cheek.

Is he crazy? Should I kill him right here?

"What are you doing?" She looked down at the smash cigarette.

"Nam Yeona."
"Who sent you here?" Jaemin asked as if he was in a thriller movie. Yeona chuckled.

"Who sent you here?" Yeona said in a mocking way. "What are you in a action movie? What do you mean who sent you here." She asked while laughing humorously at her own joke.

Jaemin glared at her laughing while staying silent.

"That tattoo. You're part of EXO aren't you. You don't remember attacking us?" Yeona crossed her arms trying to recall attacking him. "When you attacked NCT."

Yeona dramatically gasped while putting her hand on her chest.

"Ahh you're part of NCT?" Yeona smirks as she walks closer to Jaemin making him slowly back up.
"I remember you boys..."

"But why do you think i'm in EXO?" Yeona asked innocently fully aware of the tattoo on her neck.
Jaemin brushes off the hair draping down her shoulder looking at the tattoo.

"That right there." He points at the tattoo.

"Don't get me wrong buddy i'm not part of them anymore." Yeona puts her hands up in a surrender motion.
"Don't ever pull that shit again ok Na Jaemin?" Yeona said referring to her cigarette.
Jaemin moved towards Yeona making her back into the wall behind her.

"I don't think you should talk to me like that..." He said quietly.

"Just cause i'm not part of a mafia now doesn't mean I won't hesitate to hurt you."

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