chapter 3

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Once Yeona had arrived at her small apartment, she quickly went to her room grabbing all of the things she needed.
She had lost EXO over a month ago after leaving. But now since they're in Busan, she decided she would run away to Seoul.

She left the house and walked to the bus stop.
Once she arrived at the bus stop, she realized she would have to wait a while till the bus came so she went to a nearby alleyway to...smoke.

Yeona sold drugs and she's been doing that for years to get money. The only things she's done was smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol here and there. She was aware that drinking and smoking were slowly killing her but didn't give a shit.

She leaned her back on the brick wall pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with a lighter. She sighed and closed her eyes falling into a pit of euphoria.

Yeona has been smoking for a few months now and it's became a habit of hers. She took a few puffs until someone called her name.

"Nam Yeona?" She eyes met with a familiar friend.

"Lee Junseo?!" She replied in the same tone but louder. She threw the cigarette to the floor and proceeded to step on it while walking towards her old friend.
"Yooo how long has it been?" She asked while hugging him.

"Gosh I don't know- 2 years I think? How have you been?" They let go of the hug and Yeona found herself smiling.

"I've been good nothing much really. But when did you start smoking?" Junseo asked while turning his head to the side looking at the cigarette poking from under Yeonas shoe.

"Like a few months ago actually." Yeona scraped her shoe on the few completely destroying the blunt before looking back up at Junseo.

"Yeona... you know that's not good for you. You're still a teenager you should be hanging out with friends and stuff." Junseo said with a disappointed gaze.

"What's the point? I mean, i'm probably gonna die soon anyways, I have no one to live for." Yeona bitterly laughed while looking at her shoe. Junseo shook his head slowly in disappointment.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Are you still involved with that EXO gang or mafia whatever it is?"

"NOO absolutely not. Man I left them LONG ago." Yeona retorted.

"So like what have you been doing anyways?" Junseo asked while putting his hands in the pockets of his sweater.

"Ummm kinda whatever I guess. Nothing interesting happened."

"Are you still not going to school?"

"Phhttt school? Who the hell has time for that shit.." Yeona said while laughing at his question.

"Yknow Yeona, you should really go to school."
"And why is that?"
"You never know. Maybe you'll make friends and meet someone, you can't just keep wasting your life like this Nam Yeona." Junseo suggested while shrugging his shoulders.

"Never." Yeona said bluntly.

"Once again. You never know."

"I haven't gone to school in years, I suck at studying also. If I go i'll just be wasting my time anyways." Yeona throws her hands by her side emphasizing her point.

"You're wasting your time right now by just smoking and vandalizing Yeona. All i'm saying is try living a little, you have to get over what happened in the past-"

"Shut it." Yeona seethed out interrupting him from talking. Junseo sighed knowing Yeona couldn't get over her, her first love, her girlfriend. He decided to lay it off and talk about something else.

"Why are you here anyways?" He brought up trying to change the subject.

"I'm running to Seoul, EXO found me." Junseos head tilt to the side in confusion.

"Why? Are they after you or something?"

"Yea, gotta get out of Busan before who knows what happens."
Junseo sighs deeply.
"eyyy i'm sure we'll meet again." Yeona says while patting his arm. Soon the bus to Seoul drives up.

"That's my cue, I gotta go, it was nice seeing you Lee Junseo!" Yeona and Junseo exchange their goodbyes before Yeona makes her way to the bus seating herself down by the window.

"That's my cue, I gotta go, it was nice seeing you Lee Junseo!" Yeona and Junseo exchange their goodbyes before Yeona makes her way to the bus seating herself down by the window

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Yeona steps out of the bus and scans the area.

All right, i'm in Seoul now. Let's just start over Nam Yeona.

Yeona breaths in deeply before walking around the city streets. Yeona didn't live near the city so walking around was a very puzzling experience.
She took a taxi to her new place where she would be staying. She walked in and looked around, it wasn't a fancy apartment or anything, at least it had a working front door.

She toured the apartment making simple 'ooh's whenever she liked something. It was a big apartment prior to her last home so she was impressed by the very little things.

Yeona threw her bag down and laid on the stiff bed. She tossed and turned thinking about what Junseo had told her.

"You never know. Maybe you'll make friends and meet someone, you can't keep wasting your life like this Nam Yeona."

"Wasting my life... what kinda bullshit.." Yeona scoffed before turning to her side. Her fingers fiddled with the bed sheet as she drowned in her thoughts.

Would it really be that bad?

Yeona thought about how it would be if she tried living a normal 19 year old life.
"Ah why am I even considering it.." Yeona shakes her head trying to get rid of her thoughts. She made her way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Yeona laid her body back on the bed as she deeply sighed. She grabbed her cigarette box pulling one out before lighting it over her.
The room soon filled with the smell of cannabis, as she closed her eyes winding down her body.

She then started thinking about the whole school situation.

Should I just try it?

Yeona didn't necessarily think it was a bad idea nor a good idea. Maybe a good idea to get out of her comfort zone and finally speak to people. But she believe she wouldn't even try in school.

For fucksakes Yeona you got a literally 40 in math last time you were in school.

"Ughh forget it." Yeona puts out her cigarette and opens the window to let the smoke out. She then covers herself in her blankets before slowly drowsing off to sleep.

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