chapter 23

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"Maybe you're right, I am obsessed."

Jaemin said jokingly with a sly smirk followed with a wink, it was too quick for Yeona to process so she just looked at him silently in shock. She knew he was joking, but she couldn't help but feel somewhat flustered.

"Uh, yea sure whatever." Yeona nervously laughed it off as Jaemin turned his body, avoiding all eye contact with Jaemin, he walked backwards with his eyes fixated on her as she continued walking.

"Anyways, where should we go now?" Jaemin once again asked.

"Uh we can go wherever you want, I don't mind." Yeona answered frantically.

"Fine, let's go to a concert, there's one performing tonight, from what I heard."
"It's some group, Day6? Yea I heard some of their songs they're pretty good but underrated. We can go check it out."

"Day6?! I love them what the fuck??" Yeona replied excitedly.

"Well then i'll take that as a yes."

The two walked to the enormous crowed of just people standing and waiting, the two had to pay $15 each to get in

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The two walked to the enormous crowed of just people standing and waiting, the two had to pay $15 each to get in.

"This place is packed." Yeona said as many "sorry!"s and "excuse me!"s were spilling out of her mouth when she would accidentally bumped into many people.

It wasn't long till even more people came, they came in between both Jaemin and Yeona making Yeona lose him.
She panicked as she looked around, he was lost in the sea of people, Yeona wasn't sure where to go since everywhere looked exactly the same.

"Jaemin!!" Yeona shouted hoping for a response. She poked her head up among dozens of people trying to catch a glimpse of him.
"Jaemin!! Where'd you go!!" Yeona shouted even louder over the loads of different voices overlapping each other.


Yeona turned her head to the voice, it wasn't Jaemin, it was Sunghoon.

"Yeona! What are you doing here? I didn't think you would be here." Sunghoon said with a smile as he hugged Yeona, it was so sudden, Yeona awkwardly patted his back. She wasn't expected him to be here.

"Sunghoon, hi." Yeona said with a smile.

"Come on let's go to somewhere less crowded." Sunghoon said as he grabbed her wrist pulling her, but before she could be fully pulled along, a grasp to her other wrist stopped him.

She looked to her side, it was Jaemin.

"Here you were.." Jaemin said as he coldly glared at Sunghoons hand that was wrapped around Yeonas wrist. With his other hand, he pushed off Sunghoons hand pushing Yeona behind him.

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