chapter 24

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Yeonas lips formed a pout as the two walked, it was getting dark, cold, and the last bus was soon gonna leave.

"Ughh we've been walking all day, why can't you call a member or something to come pick us up?" Yeona complained as she threw her head back annoyed.

"They're out, on a mission, that's what they said." Jaemin replied.

"My legs are killing me." Yeona complained once again as she kicked the rocks in her path.

"Just deal with it." Jaemin replied dismissing her discomfort. The silence made Jaemin turn his head to check on her, she was slumped hanging her head.

Yeona looked up, she had a frown.

"What's wrong?"
"I'm so tired, it's like 1 AM I just wanna go to sleep and my legs feel like they're about to just snap." Yeona whined. Jaemin sighed before he walked in front of her bending his knees in a position Yeona found amusing.

"What are you doing?" Yeona asked giggling.

"Get on." Jaemin instructed.

"...You sure? I'm not skinny i'll have you know."
"Just get on."

Yeona shrugged and hopped in his back, he stumbled momentarily before he collected his balance.

"Am I too heavy?" Yeona asked concerned.

"No, you're fine." Jaemin reassured, he started walking.

The sound of the wind whistling and trees shaking filled their ears, the feeling of the cold air made them shiver. Yeona instinctively held tighter to Jaemins body, her head rested on his shoulder.

A few minutes passed, they walked in silence.
Just then Jaemin noticed the sudden weight increase on his back, soon realizing Yeona had fallen asleep. He sighed, instead of waking her up though, he made sure his walking was steady careful not to wake her.

 He sighed, instead of waking her up though, he made sure his walking was steady careful not to wake her

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Yeona woke to the sound of chatter and movement. Before she got up, her attention was drawn to the surprisingly comfortable bed she was in. Her eyes opened but soon shut, wanting to get a few more minutes of sleep, she simply made herself more comfortable. Throwing her arm up carelessly, that was until she felt, another arm?

Her eyes squinted due to the sunlight, her vision vignetted but she could make out a figure laying right beside her.

She sat up surprised as she basically fell out the bed.

Where the fu- What the fuck??

She noticed it was Jaemin on the bed, Jaemin shuffled cause of Yeonas ruckus, he groaned tiredly as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes.

"Oh, you're up." Jaemin said casually.

What am I even suppose to do in this situation.. there's no way...DID I?!

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