chapter 30

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Strange, that's how she felt.

There was no worry, or feeling of danger. She felt safe.

Her and Jaemin walked together, down the dark empty street, the only source of lights being the streetlights that dimly lit their path.

Finally agreed to join them, realizing all she really needed was a fresh start.

She strolled through the dark streets, it was quiet, cold, and relaxing.

Jaemins body snaked over bumping next to Yeonas as they continued walking aimlessly.

Her mind still lingered over EXO and all.

"What's on your mind?"

Yeona looked over, Jaemin remained besides her as they walked. His hoodie covering his hair as his hands rested comfortably in the pocket of his large hoodie.

"Just, things." Yeona responded bluntly.

The cold breeze hugged Yeonas exposed skin, she shivered at the feeling.

Jaemin, taking notice, grabs her hand holding it tightly before putting both his and hers hand in his pocket.

Yeonas face shined a bright red, she looked down as her long hair covered her flustered expression.

"You should've worn a bigger coat, idiot.." Jaemin complained while shaking his head, assuming the redness was a cause of the cold.

"What are you doing.." Yeona quietly asked, although not releasing grip from his hand.

"What, do you not like it?"

Yeona didn't respond. Instead, she smiled.

Her head softly landed on his arm as she continued walking alongside him.

"No, I like it. I like it a lot." She replied, smiling contentedly.

She found her home, after months and years of searching, he was her home.

She found her home, after months and years of searching, he was her home

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So this is a very, very long overdue chapter. Long story short life decided to fuck me up and yea, i couldn't update for 4 months. Extremely sorry, but to those who actually enjoyed this story, thank you so so much for sticking around to the end :)) I will start working on more stories that have been on my mind. This ending is very short and boring, I know but maybe i'll make a prologue or season 2.

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