chapter 25

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Yeona followed Jaemin around the house like a puppy after she finished eating the food he had given her. She wasn't sure what she should do in this situation or if she should do anything at all, Jaemin walked in front of Yeona looking for supplies, abruptly stopping making Yeona accidentally run into his back.

She balanced herself as Jaemin turned around.

"Yeona." He hesitated.
"Yeona i'm sorry to ask you this but, can you help us?" He asked.

It's been months since Yeona had to do any type of mission, ever since EXO, she hasn't had to deal with any mafia in any hostile way.

"Please. We need all the help we can get." Jaemin pleaded.

The trauma from her last group still lingered, she didn't wanna stick around and lose someone she cared about again, she didn't want to be there to maybe see Jaemin go too.

"I'm not sure.."
"Please Yeona. You're experienced and you're fast and a good shot, please we need you, Yeona." Jaemin begged.

Yeona looked down contemplating. She was a bit rusty but she gave in for hump.

"Y-yea i'll help you guys." Yeona said. Jaemin brightly smiled suddenly pulling Yeona in for a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He said.
"Come on, let's get ready we need to leave soon." He held Yeonas hand. Although the situation was serious, Yeonas heartbeat was the only thing she heard throughout all the chaos. She looked down at their hands, they were so perfectly and comfortably clasped together, and Jaemin just naturally pulled her along.

Yeona shook off her daydreams getting back into focus.

Yeona shook off her daydreams getting back into focus

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"Yeona you are gonna be with me ok?" Jaemin said. Yeonas eyes widen, he said that with no context catching her off guard.


"I mean for the mission. Just stick by my side and do what I say."

"Oh, oh right yea that's- yea I can do that."

Yeona stuttered trying to sound natural. She was given a pistol, the last group had taken most of the firearm, they were left with the smaller and less powerful guns.

"We're gonna start in the forest and look for them, then we'll get to the barn, shoot anyone that's not in our group, no hesitation." Jaemin instructed with a serious demeanor. Yeona nodded, it's been a while but she was ready.

The two walked out to join the rest. Just before she left, someone grabbed Yeonas hand. Yeona turned, it saw it was Karina.

"Yeona- I... Be safe, ok?" Karina said sincerely. Yeona nodded, Karina shared a soft smile and Yeona returned with her own.

The hopped into the car, Yeonas hand started sweating as her vision became hazy.

"Are you ok?" Jaemin whispered from beside her.

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