chapter 28

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Yeona walked out to a large warehouse looking base, it was quiet and very large.

An unsettling chill fell on the back of her neck, she searched the area, there was no one else. Jaemin kept his grip on her hand as he quietly started walking.

"Where is everyone?" Yeona asked in a whispered tone.

"I'm not sure... surely there would be EXO marching around or something." Jaemin replied. The two walked along a large shelf filled with boxes of unknown items.

The large gaps in between the boxes gave a decent view across the warehouse, there were two members, Chen and Kai.

"Shit, we have to find another way out." Jaemin stated before he led Yeona out of sight.


Yeona and Jaemin jumped when someone announced she escaped, the two hid behind a wall, still unable to find an exit.

"Fuck, fuck, where the hell are my members??" Jaemin complained, he tried contacting his members on his watch.

"Shit Yeona, stay right here i'll be back for you-"
"No, no you can't leave."

Yeona held his arm pleading for him to stay next to her.

"I'll be back, seriously, I just need to figure out where they are."

Jaemin left although Yeona tried stopping him, she scoot back into the corner trying to keep herself hidden.

Suddenly, various shouting and gunshots started from the other side of the wall, quickly realizing they were now fighting.

Minutes passed of the gunshots and Jaemin still hadn't been back, there was no way he would leave her, right?

Minutes passed of the gunshots and Jaemin still hadn't been back, there was no way he would leave her, right?

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Yeona was defenseless, she had absolutely nothing to use if they found her.

A beam of hope rushed through her body when she heard footsteps, assuming it was Jaemin. She looked up, but it wasn't him.

She was met with a pistol pointed straight to her forehead, it was Kai.

Yeona froze, knowing if she made any sudden move, her brains would get blown out. She stared him straight in the eye.

His eyes sad and full of pity as he stared into her own, he was weak of will, of power.

"Yeona..." He began.
"I-I'm sorry that it has to end like this.." He continued. His eyes sadly looked into Yeona, but she kept her demeanor as cold as ever.

This was the end, and she knew it.

"You're not sorry at all, you were never sorry."

Knowing there was no way out, she leaned forward allowing her forehead to rest at the barrel of the pistol, and just waited.

"I'll see you in hell."

Giving him one final look, she closed her eyes, just waiting.

The sound of uneven breathing and sniffling made her reopen her eyes, she looked up.

His eyes were glossy, a single tear ran down his cheek.

"Fuck..." He muttered under his breath.

The gun dropped down to his thigh, he threw it to the floor. He rubbed his eyes with his fingers as tears continued flowing.

"Yeona, gosh, fuck this man.." He mumbled. Yeonas heart dropped realizing he started crying, she soften up.
"I-i'm so sorry..."

He softly dropped to his knees, at Yeonas level. He started sobbing, pouring his heart out.

"There's nothing right? There's nothing I could do to make it up, for Ayeong, for everything that we've done, it's just... Fuck, please, just shoot me. It's all you have to do... I was the one that told the members not to help you save her, I regret everything.."

Yeonas eyes widen at his request, he pushed the gun towards her, kneeling in front of her as his head hung. Yeona grabbed the pistol, tears welled up in her eyes, she held it to his head.

Shoot the gun, Yeona.

Her breathing increased as tears started flowing down, her heart sunk, she shook her head trying to control herself.

Just fucking do it Yeona, this is all you wanted.

"Fuck, this should be easy..." Yeona stated.

She started quietly sobbing, Kai closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything, Yeona. I should've helped you... save Ayeong. When you ran from us, we should've let you go, all we did was make your life a living hell, i'm sorry, we're sorry..."

That's all she needed to hear.

Her arms fell weak as she finally dropped the gun, Yeona cried along with him, she couldn't take it anymore.

All she ever wanted was for them to disappear from her life, all she wanted was to finally live a life where she didn't have to worry about getting killed or kidnapped. All she needed was to pull the trigger, but she couldn't do it.

"Kai... Fuck.. I-I forgive you guys..." She hesitantly said.

She loved Kai too much, he was like her brother, they were all like her brothers. Kai looked up with his red eyes, noticing Yeona was crying.

EXO had always been her first family, ever since her parents abandoned her, she found them, something where she could considered home. Through all this shit, they were still her first, her only real family.

A lump in her throat, her stomach aching, she threw herself to Kai hugging him in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

Kai sobbed harder than ever as he hugged her back tighter, his body weakened with an onslaught of sobs and tears, grasping the cloth of her shirt.

"Yeona, i-i'm so sorry Yeona, i'm so so sorry." dozens of apologies poured out. They were so caught up with the sudden reconnection, they failed to noticed the members watching them.

Kai and Yeona finally released from the hug, looking up she noticed the tears of the other EXO members.

She wiped her tears away.

Each one of them were trying to hold back their tears, all but one, Baekhyun.

Yeonas head hung. Now that they finally broke through Yeonas hard shell, now that they've seen her break into millions of pieces, they'll finally listen.

She took a deep breath before she began.

"Please... I want to live my own life, let me leave, I can't take this anymore."

Yeona made her request in her vulnerable state, praying that this one time, they would agree.

It was a silent pause.

"Yeona... I- We're.. sorry, Yeona." Chen began. He was speechless and so were the others, they knew the damage they created, but were blinded, all they wanted was for Yeona to come back.

They never fully realized how each time they brought her back, every single time she hated them more and more.

They loved Yeona like she was their little sister, they tried to bring her back but in the worst ways possible, finally realizing their damage, they gave in.

"We're sorry, we're sorry for everything." Chen finally spoke.

The familiar sharp pain in her throat appeared as she sobbed.

Finally, finally she was free, that's all she ever wanted.

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