Mads Lewis

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Snowed In

a/n: ik christmas is over, but i accidentally forgot about this one and i'm gonna finish it so yeah enjoy!

"Bubs!" Mads said walking to the bathroom, in their hotel room, where (y/n) was getting ready to leave. They were in Colorado to see (y/n)'s family for the holidays.

"Yes, baby?" (y/n) replied looking at her through the mirror.

"We can't leave." Mads frowned.

"Why not?" (y/n) asked turning around.

"They roads are closed because of the snow." Mads said. "And our flight got canceled." (y/n) frowned and grabbed Mads hand. She knew Mads was upset. She had been really excited to go back to Arizona and see her family.

"Don't worry, baby. We'll get on the first flight as soon as everything opens again." (y/n) said. Mads nodded and walked over to the bed, plopping down. (y/n) took of the jewelry she was previously putting on since they weren't leaving anymore.

"I really wanted to go." Mads frowned.

"I know, baby." (y/n) said "But I don't think the roads should be closed for too long." She laid down beside Mads. "Wanna watch a Christmas movie? There's not much else to do." (y/n) shrugged.

"Can we watch This Christmas?" Mads asked.

"Of course." (y/n) nodded picking up the remote. Mads moved to cuddle into (y/n) as the movie started.

I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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