Anthony Reeves

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-you live in a universe where whatever you write on your body appears on your soulmates body. You haven't found your soulmate...yet.

(y/n) sat in history class drawing a small baby duck on her forearm. A documentary about something was playing on the screen, but she paid no attention to it.

Everyday, (y/n) would draw something new in hopes of finding her soulmate. It was kinda of hopeless though. Her soulmate could be anyone in the world.

"(y/n)!" A voice whispered. The girl turned and faced her friend, Dixie. The dark haired girl pointed to her phone signaling she wanted to talk. (y/n) grabbed her phone and opened her messages.

Dixie Pixie 🧚‍♀️
what are drawing??

(y/n) 🎨
why does it matter?

Dixie Pixie 🧚‍♀️
cuz i'm trying to find ur soulmate duhh

(y/n) 🎨
my soulmate could be anywhere
they could be in europe for all i know

Dixie Pixie 🧚‍♀️
just show me!!!

(y/n) huffed and held her wrist out towards Dixie who quickly took a picture. "what are you doing?" she asked. "sending it to Charli and Madi." Dixie said focusing on her phone. "Shhh." The teacher glared at the two girls.


(y/n) walked out the main doors of the school heading towards her car in the parking lot.

"(y/n)! Wait!" The girl turned around and saw her three friends running her direction. "We found your soulmate!" Charli screamed jumping around her. "How do you know?" She asked. "Because they have the same drawing on their wrist." Dixie smiled. "Who is it?" (y/n) sighed not really believing her friends. "Anthony Reeves." Madi smiled. "Anthony Reeves? The one friends with Bryce Hall?" (y/n) questioned. "Yes. I know Bryce is sometimes a jerk, but Anthony isn't like him. He's actually really sweet." Charli said sticking up for the boy.

"Ok. How do i even talk to him?" (y/n) asked. "Well, we may have given him your number." Dixie smiled innocently. "Whatever." (y/n) rolled her eyes and continued walking to her car. "Love you!" The three girls screamed.


(y/n) leaned over the sink splashing water over her face when her phone lit up with a message.

hey, it's anthony :)


Anthony 🥴
so ur my soulmate? 😏

i guess
r u sure we're soulmates? like 100%

Anthony 🥴
well madi and charli showed me a picture
of the drawing on ur wrist and it was the one
i had also. so...

anyone else could've drawn that tho

Anthony 🥴
i guess
can we at least talk tomorrow
at school?


Anthony 🥴
ok cool
see u tomorrow


Anthony 🥴
oh btw i liked that flower you drew
a couple days ago, it was cute ;)

i'm not sure if this was good....
i hope you enjoyed this! Don't forget to comment and vote please. Thank you for reading 💜

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