Dixie D'amelio

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Best Friends Sister

-you are Noah Becks little sister and Charli's best friend. you and Dixie have liked each other for years. You and Dixie don't do anything cause you're 16 and her best friends little sister, but soon you move on and Dixie gets jealous. (FYI Charli and Avani are dating)


"(y/n)!" Charli exclaimed running into the girls' bedroom and jumping on top of her.

"Char!" (y/n) exclaimed back wrapping her arms around the shorter girl.

"I missed you. Last time we came over you weren't here and I had to hang out with Noah and Dixie." Charli made a disgusted face.

"I'm sorry." (y/n) laughed. "But I couldn't miss my game." She explained to which Charli nodded.

"That's ok, but now that you're here we can spend all our time together!" The two smiled.

"Hey!" Dixie and Noah exclaimed walking into (y/n)'s room.

"No." Charli frowned making (y/n) laugh.

"What are we doing?" Dixie asked looking at the two.

"Nothing yet, i just got here." Charli said. "You should know, you just got here too." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey what's with the attitude?" Noah asked.

"Me and MY best friend are trying to spend time together." Charli shrugged.

"I wanna spend time with her too." Dixie said smiling at (y/n) who smiled back.

"Fine." Charli pouted.

"It's ok." (y/n) said wrapping her arm around Charli's shoulder.

"Well, what do you guys wanna do?" Noah asked.

"Let's go to eat and I can invite Avani." Charli said smiling at the mention of her girlfriend.

"I thought you want to hangout with me?" (y/n) said fake offended.

"Not anymore you're obviously more excited to hangout with Dixie." Charli said turning away.

"Ok I'm going to get ready." Noah said leaving the


"Can you two stop being so cute? It's making me sick." Dixie said looking at Charli and Avani.

"Stop being so jealous." Avani said. "I'm sure (y/n) will give you a kiss." Avani teased making the two blush and look away from each other.

"Shut up." Dixie mumbled sinking in her seat.

"Excuse me?" A girl walked up to the table. All heads turned to her standing besides (y/n). "I wanted to tell you that I think you're pretty." She said making eye contact with (y/n).

"Oh, Thank you." (y/n) smiling. Dixie glared at the unknown girl which didn't go unnoticed by anyone except for (y/n).

"I'm Josie." The girl introduced herself.

"(y/n)." Dixie watched the scene unfold with jealousy clearly written on her face.

"Could I get your number?" Josie asked smiling.

"Yeah." (y/n) nodded taking her phone and typing her number in.

"I'll text you." Josie smiled walking away. Everyone sat quietly at the table. (y/n) was staring happily at hands while Dixie had a annoyed expression. Charli, Avani, and Noah all watched with worried looks.

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