Charli D'amelio

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TikTok Drama

Requested by @16vxriot

Disclaimer: this imagine is a male reader!

Charli laid down on her bed with her face in her pillow. She wanted to lock herself in her room and never come out. Recently, tiktokroom had spread a rumor that she cheated on Chase with her current boyfriend, Wyatt. It was false obviously. Her and Wyatt hadn't gotten together until almost 6 months after her breakup with Chase.

"Char?" Wyatt questioned. He walked into the room and laid down beside her. "Are you okay?"

"No I am not." She said. Her words were muffled by the pillow in her face, but he still understood her.

"Is it because of the rumor?" He asked. Charli turned over so she laid in her back.

"Yes." She frowned.

"Just ignore them, baby. They don't know anything." Wyatt said. He rested his head on her stomach and wrapped one arms over her body.

"But it's all people are talking about. I just want it to stop." Charli ranted.

"I know." Wyatt mumbled. He lifted her shirt up a little and began placing small kisses along her stomach. Charli brushed her fingers through his hair and gazed down at him with soft eyes.

"I love you, Wy." Charli said.

"I love you too, Char." He said. He placed one more kiss by her bellybutton before lifting himself up and moved to her face. He leaned in and kissed her lips. Charli wrapped her arms around her shoulders and pulled him closer.

I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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