Vinnie Hacker

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"She's a vampire."

Requested by queendixiedamelio

a/n: McKenna is Maddy Crum's sister!

a/n 2: I posted the two apply fics! if u haven't already go apply. i think i just need an oc for Ava in girls and for drunk face i need oc's for Rue, Jules, and Kat!

McKenna rolled her eyes at her boyfriend even though he wasn't looking at her. He was focused on his video games which he had been playing for the past 3 hours and he had given her zero attention. She wasn't trying to say she wanted his attention every single second of the day, but she was bored and wanted to be with her boyfriend. She pulled out her phone and texted her sister for help.

McKenna got up from the bed and walked up behind Vinnie wrapping her arms around him

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McKenna got up from the bed and walked up behind Vinnie wrapping her arms around him. She thought about her next action for a moment. It was a little mean and childish to do, but then she remembered all the annoying little things Vinnie would do like get food without her and loose her phone charger and went with her decision. She laughed to herself before leaning down a little and biting down on the boys shoulder.

"Yo, what the fuck!" Vinnie yelled flinching away from McKenna. He stared at her in shock as she fell back on the bed laughing her ass off. "What kind of creature are you?" Vinnie said making McKenna laugh even harder. He took his headphones off and grabbed McKenna throwing her over his shoulder and walking down the hall to Jordan and Maddy's room.

"What's up?" Jordan asked with confusion written all over his face.

"You two deal with her." Vinnie said dropping her down on their bed.

"Why though?" Jordan asked chuckling.

"She's a vampire, bro." Vinnie said. Jordan mouth fell open a little as he was very confused. Maddy laughed at her boyfriend.

"I'll take her." Maddy said opening her arms for her sister. McKenna moved to lay next to Maddy and hugged her.

"She's a child." Vinnie laughed shaking his head and walked out of the room to go back to his.

"I'm not a child, Vincent!" McKenna shouted at him, but he was already to far gone.

"It's okay. You can stay with us and watch a movie." Maddy said. McKenna nodded and rested her head on her shoulder.


Jordan walked back into his room. He went in Vinnie's room for a while not wanting to watch the movie the girls were watching. When his eyes landed on the sisters, he saw them fast asleep with their arms wrapped around each other. He sighed and leaned down to shake them awake.

"McKenna." He whispered. "McKenna." He moved his hand to Maddy's shoulder and tried to wake her, but was again unsuccessful. He rolled his eyes and started to pry the girls arms off of each other. When he finally detached them he picked McKenna up and walked to Vinnie's room.

"Hey." Vinnie laughed at him when he saw McKenna in his arms.

"Here's your girlfriend." Jordan said putting her down on his bed. "Now keep her away from mine please." Jordan joked leaving the room. Vinnie smiled amused. He looked back to see McKenna starting to wake up. He quickly took his headphones off and got up. He grabbed the can of Bang Energy and bag of sour patch kids he had gotten her from downstairs earlier.

"Here." He said handing them to her. He kissed her head quickly as she yawned.

"ooh." McKenna smiled at the items. She opened the bag and popped one of the gummies into her mouth. "Thank you." She smiled like a child as Vinnie rolled his eyes playfully and went back to his game.

"You're welcome, but that's the only one you get today." He said referring to the energy drink. She pouted a little knowing she know had to savor it otherwise Vinnie would kill her if she drank more.

Okay I really like this one lol

I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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