Noen Eubanks

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Song/Lyrics Imagine

Song: Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin

she told me that she loved me by the water fountain
she told me that she loved me and she didn't love him
and that was really lovely cause it was innocent

Noen wrapped his arm around (y/n) as she cried out. "I hate him." She said with tears streaming down her face. "Then why don't you leave him?" Noen asked the girl. (y/n) shrugged and wiped her tears away. "I need to go home before my parent wake up." She said standing up. "Bye, Noen." She hugged the tall boy. "i love you." (y/n) whispered before walking away.

it's getting kind of blurry at a quarter past ten
and he was in a hurry to be touching her skin
she's feeling kind of dirty when she's dancing with him
forgetting what she told me by the water fountain

Noen watched from afar as (y/n) danced with her boyfriend in the middle of the party. The couple was clearly drunk. (y/n) more so than him. The blonde boy knew (y/n) wasn't herself in that moment. She wasn't the girl who got so wasted at a party she couldn't drive herself home. She wasn't the girl from the fountain.

now he's grabbing her hips, and pulling her in
kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear
and she knows that she shouldn't listen
and that she should be with me by the water fountain

The boy made eye contact with Noen. He smirked at him knowing very well Noen was in love with (y/n), but he was with her not him. He grabbed (y/n) closer and slowly kissed her.
Once they pulled away, (y/n) looked over her shoulder and sent Noen a small smile before turning back.

she couldn't be at home in the nighttime because it made her feel alone
but at that time she was too young
i was too young

Once again, (y/n) called Noen at 12:30 am. It happened multiple times a week. She would call and ask him to meet because she couldn't sleep. Noen took a deep breath before speaking. "Why don't you ever call your boyfriend?" He asked. "He wouldn't understand." She spoke softly.

i should've built a home with a fountain for us
the moment that she told me that she was in love
too young, i was too young

Noen sat on his bed with his yearbook in his hands. He had just gotten back from graduation and he saw (y/n) walk across the stage. The two hadn't talked in over a year, but he heard that she was going to college in New York with her boyfriend.
"I should've told you." He whispered sadly.

I kinda liked this one! i'm gonna do more of these :)
i hope you enjoyed this! don't forget to comment and vote please. thank you for reading 💜

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