Chapter 16: I'm Losing My Mind

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"Ramona, we need to give her space. Koby knows we all love her. It's her mom and her uncle that is the real enemy. Koby will come back to us" I said watching Ramona panting. "Ki, she's hurt" Ramona simply said. "I know. She's also in shock. We knew the day would come when she broke down. Between her mom and uncle's drama, she's dealing with the Booker family shunning her out of their lives suddenly. Not to mention, a person you assumed was your best friend told the whole school some of your darkest secrets and painted you to be whore I would say that didn't help" I said looking at Noah who seemed to be locked in a trance. "Earth to Noah!" Ramona shouted snapping her fingers. "Hey, sorry. I..." he started before storming out of Koby's front door in a fit of rage.

I knew he was upset at what just happened. He knew what we were saying was true. Regardless of how angry he is, Koby usually needs time to get her shit together.

"NOAH! I'm coming with you!" I yelled running to the passenger side of the truck followed by Ramona. "Where would she go? It's late out. Anything could happen to her. I can't drive back to campus knowing she's out there all alone, hurt, pissed, and confused" he said gripping the steering wheel of his truck. "Please, you need to get back. I assure you she is okay. You know she wouldn't want you to lose your scholarship on her account. We will keep looking for her if we don't find her tonight. I promise" I replied. "I can't leave things like this" he simply said still frantically looking around for Jakoby.

We looked everywhere we imagined she would be including the school. Against our best interest, we called Maddie to see if for whatever reason had Jakoby sought refuge with her. That was a dead end. We were met with more questions than answers. She was nowhere and she didn't her phone to contact us. After three hours of searching, we finally convinced Noah to leave and head back to school. We made him a promise that he would give him a call if and when we hear from Koby.

Three days later...

Jakoby's mom put in a missing person's report after two days had passed. She wasn't at school and no one had run across her at her place of work. They said she actually quite a few days ago in preparation for college. You could tell they missed her presence around that place. I was worried out of my mind and it didn't help that Noah was blowing up my phone every few hours threatening to come home. My mind was scattered, but before I could collapse on my bed a familiar voice echoed through my room.

"I'm sorry, Jakoby said slowly walking into my room. "OH MY GOD! Where the hell were you? We were so worried! Don't you ever run off like that again! Are you okay?" I asked not giving her a chance to recover nor respond. "I'm fine. I needed to pick myself up out of my pity party. I didn't have a phone to contact you guys though. I didn't mean to give you guys such a scare" she replied shyly. "KOBY! I could kill you right now! Don't you ever leave us like that again! We were all so worried about you!" Ramona said bargaining into my room giving Jakoby a bear hug. "I'm so sorry guys! I really meant it. My anxiety was through the roof" she explained. "Or maybe you keep things bottled up for much too long, I said holding tightly onto her hand. "Yeah, that too, she said wiping a stray tear from her eye. "It's okay to cry. We will always be here for you. Can you believe we got desperate enough to even call Maddie looking for you Speedy Gonzalez" RamonJoked "WHY?" Jakoby asked n regards to call Maddie. "We were desperate to find you chica" Ramona replied sitting down on the bed next to Koby. "Yeah, you guys really were" she smiled. "Feeling better?" I asked. "MUCH!" she exclaimed. "What are you going to do about home?" Ramona asked. "I'm not going back. I packed a duffle I had placed in my closet of all I wanted to go with me when I moved with Noah. Can one of you grab it? I don't want to see my family right now" she sadly replied. "We got you. Let me call lover boy for you. He's losing his damn mind right now worried about you" I said calling Noah.

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