Chapter 4: Hello Beautiful

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I woke up in a not so good mood. Some would wonder what made my mother so cold toward me, but I figured I already knew.

From my chocolate brown eyes with speckles of green, full lips, dark curly hair, and copper skin tone I looked the exact opposite of my mother. I always assumed I took after my sperm donor, which would explain why it's hard for my mother to look me in the eye sometimes. I was a constant reminder of her assailant I guess. It breaks my heart knowing that she lived with the torture of a night that changed her life forever on a daily basis because of me.

It's odd because she didn't start acting like this until I started dating Kyle two years ago.

Regardless of my strong feelings toward my mother, I always thought that she was an extraordinary human being other than the occasional bipolar spells she took out on me. I grew up watching her in her element when she felt no one was watching. There would be nights she would spend in the kitchen messing with her dream board, checking off things that she's accomplished. Her next goal was to move us out of the hood into a more suitable home, but constantly paying Uncle Eddie's never-ending debts didn't make it easy for her.

I looked over at the clock and realized I only had fifteen minutes to meet Kiki's mom. That woman did not play about being late or anything for that matter. I could hear her cussing me out now. I swear she cussed like a sailor on the 4th of July and then some and attended church seven days a week. I often laughed at her hypocritical behavior.

I fluffed my curls out after I took a wash off and donned my school uniform. I grabbed a few ponytail holders as I knew I would need them by the end of the day. I  didn't have time to tame this stuff. Before I could get out of the door well enough, my phone began vibrating  with a message from Noah. Immediately, my palms got sweaty and my heart raced just at the sight of his name.

"Hello, beautiful. I really enjoyed our ice cream date. I hope we could do it again soon"

I did not respond right away because I didn't want to feel desperate. Not to mention, I just barely got out of a toxic relationship with his best friend a few months ago. What would people think? What would Maddie think? Oh God, their parents?

I decided to tuck the phone back into my pocket. I made a vow to myself that I needed to put some distance there. I didn't want to lose my best friend over a silly crush. I especially didn't feel like having to beat Ashley senseless.

It still didn't stop me from blushing at the fact Noah called me beautiful. He's never called me that and I've known him since I was at least ten years old.

This is my last year and I was too close to becoming the Valedictorian for my class. There was one person that stood in my way, Arthur. He was definitely the king of the nerds as he called himself. I admired him for it too. If I were to lose to anyone, it would be to him, but I plan on taking that title though.

I shook my head at the thought of me being announced valedictorian and it made my heart leap on top of the butterflies I was already feeling grown inside my stomach at the thought of Noah. He texted me again catching me off guard.

"Are you ignoring me, sweetheart?"

I buried my phone deeper in my pocket once I saw Maddie approach. I needed to have a conversation with Noah in regards to his sudden boldness.


"You ran off with my brother last night" I bluntly said with no emotion on my face. "Yeah, he gave me a ride home," Koby said innocently. "Is that the only ride he gave you?" I said accusingly. "Whoa! Excuse me? Noah? Really? Are you high?" she asked laughing now. "NO! Stop dodging my question. You know he's still with Ashley. Why prostitute yourself out to him?" I asked with fury. "Maddie, you're overreacting and causing a scene. I've done nothing wrong and I do not appreciate your accusatory tone. What the fuck is wrong with you?", she snapped. "Call it what you want, but don't be upset when Ashley finds out," I said hoping to get through to her. "Ashley won't find out because there is nothing to tell. Noah took me home. That's it!", she exclaimed and I walked away.

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