Chapter 41: Life Goes On

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Two years later...


"Jacq?" My old friend asked. "Gwen?" I countered pretending to barely remember her face. "It's been a long time. Are you an assistant here? Oh! Is this your cute little desk? By the way, I'm here to interview for the Quality Control Manager position. Only the best! I can't imagine having to step down from where I am. No offense, sweetie. You are way too smart to be a secretary. Whatever their calling them these days. Have you been here long? Any tips on how I can bag this and bag him while at it?" Gwen said eye raping my man, Joel. "Are you going to let me answer a single question or are you going to keep talking?" I sweetly asked. "I'm so sorry! When I'm nervous I babble. Please forgive me" she said trying to force herself to sound genuine. "First off, I'm the Assistant Marketing Director for this organization. Second, I can't give you tips as it would be a conflict of interest as I will be sitting in on the board as a recorder. Third, your conversation about "bagging" someone on the board is highly inappropriate and not to mention that's my fiancé. Lastly, I changed my mind about giving you a tip. Here's one for you, DON'T be yourself. KNOCK THEM DEAD!" I yelled out as I made my way to the boardroom.

The look on her face was of pure horror. I didn't even try to hold my laughter in as I walked away. How dare she try to belittle me, especially knowing our past. Low down.

"You okay?" Joel asked when I entered the boardroom. "Better than okay. I'm magnificent" I replied smiling before I took my seat before all the candidates began to show up for their interviews. "Dinner?" Joel whispered. "Is there desert involved?" I asked. "What the lady wants she gets. By the way, why did you tell your lady friend out there I was your fiancé? I thought you weren't ready to announce it?" He asked furrowing an eyebrow. "Stop doing that sexy eyebrow thing! I was just messing with her" I replied embarrassed. "Okay" he laughed.


A lot has changed since I made my move to New York a permanent one. I graduated at top of my class with my Master's in Business Management with a minor in Architecture. I've grown so much from that childish teenage girl I was when I left Chicago. It will always be my home but I'm not trying to move back anytime soon. I found a matchbox-sized apartment that I'm currently moving in. My Godmother Rachel let me stay at her place for the last two years. Her daughter, Taylor, and I have become really close too. We were three years apart but we had so much in common. When Taylor would travel during spring break or the summer Rachel would urge me to go so I did. I've been more places in the last two years than I ever have in my entire life.

Did I mention my so-called father, Milton wrote me a check? Yeah, a $350,000 check too. I'm assuming it's hush money. I haven't cashed it and I've had it for two years. Today is very different because I decided he owed me so much more for all the birthdays, holidays, and firsts I've experienced in my life that he willingly missed. He always knows his brother never touched my mom. Kaitlyn Booker knew too but instead, she looked in my face almost every day for nearly seven years without uttering a word. She was basically keeping me close to keep tabs on my mother. Oh well, the cash will be in the bank no later than 5:00 today. Not to mention, he hurt my mother in a way that may never heal. I offered my mother half only to find out he left a check for her at her workplace. She said it took her a few months to cash it but eventually, she did. We don't associate ourselves with anyone from the family other than Uncle Martin now. Kyle has been cordial now that he knows we are cousins. We don't hear from him much since he was signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He and Noah I heard still haven't patched things up not that I would know.

My thoughts are interrupted by the annoying buzzing in my pocket.

"Mom?" I asked through the video chat. "How's the moving going?" She asked out of breath. "It's going well. Why are you calling me so early?" I asked looking at the time. "Because I knew you would be up!" She exclaimed with a grin. "No, you want something," I said smirking. "You got me! I was trying to see what time you land" she asked. "I just sent you my itinerary. I'll be there, mom" I replied reassuring her. "Good" she sighed. "Where's Jr?" I asked. "He's right here. His little ass is part of the reason I'm up. I would stay up 3 days in a row if IG would make my little man happy though" she cooed kissing my little brother's head. "Give him a kiss for me. I have to finish unpacking as much as I can before I leave" I admitted. "Wait! That's done nice furniture! You didn't blow all that money, did you? I taught you better than that" she cussed. "No! I don't plan on spending it anytime soon. I plan on putting this degree to use you know" I replied rolling my eyes. "If you want to keep your eyes I suggest you don't roll them at me. Anyway, how's the job search going?" My mom asked. "I was going to wait but I guess I'll tell you. The company where I worked my internship offered me a job. I actually landed a big project. They're more focused on my architectural knowledge versus business though. It was a simple project for a stadium idea for one of their clients. They tasked it our time all interns including standing members of the board. I didn't think they would actually love it. Thanks to your marketing input I was able to bring my vision a reality" I gushed barely containing my excitement. "THAT'S OUTSTANDING!" My mother yelled making my little brother cry. "Way to go l, mom" I laughed. "Looks like we have more things to celebrate when you come home. I have to go, baby. I love you!" She quickly said before disconnecting the call.

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