Chapter 22: There She Goes Again

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It's been three months since I moved into Eddie's place. Today I got the call that my closing date is still on schedule for tomorrow. It's sad that I had to find a house outside of the Hawksley and Booker's influence. Not sure why those families continue to bother me after all these years. They're all creeps. After finding out the Hawksley brothers were interfering with my ability to get a house in this town I was pushed. Now, I'm relieved. This isn't a place I need to settle down. The past haunts me from every corner of this miserable town.

I've heard everything from sleeping with men for money, I was lying about my rape, gold digger, status grabber, and God only knows what else. It's pathetic really.

No one could possibly understand the memories I have from that awful night. I should have stayed home that night, but they begged me. The thought of being set up by my friend still mags at me. She couldn't have known they would do that.

God really has quite a sense of humor. I looked up to spit no one other than my ex-best friend, Kaitlyn Booker.

"Jacq, how are you?" She asked as I passed her. "Great" I simply said continuing to pass her. "How's Jakoby?" She asked. "Shouldn't you be telling me? I would imagine your family hears from her quite often with her dating your son and all" I replied. "Oh, dear. She doesn't speak to us or our son for that matter" She sadly replied. "I can't imagine why" I rhetorically said.

I sort of heard the Booker and Hawksley family were in quite the uproar of my daughter dating Noah. I didn't realize they weren't really on speaking terms.

"Noah think ant speaking to you guys either? Why?" I asked being nosey. "Well, we may have handled their relationship stays wrong in so many ways. Jakoby is like a daughter to us and her dating our son seems weird at first. Now we see that those two truly care for one another" Kaitlyn said adjusting the wrinkles from where skirt. "Don't you dare call her anything resembling your daughter. If that horrible night would have proceeded I have no doubt it would be a possibility that she would have been your daughter, step-daughter" I snapped. "Jacq, please, not here," she said look no around. At the audience we attracted.

Nosey bitches!

"Then where?" I asked being funny. "Let me take you for coffee. I'm about done here anyway. Is that okay?" She sincerely asked. "I'm not done and neither am I in the mood for backstabbing EX-best friends," I said placing emphasis on "ex". "I understand. If you ever are in the mood, please give me a call," She said extending her card.

I took it and stormed in the other direction suddenly not in the mood to shop for groceries. I realize that I'm giving my past too much power, but my assailant has been making more frequent stops by my job pretending to see my boss. I've found every excuse not to share a room with him too.  I haven't physically seen the other one. That cocky son of a bitch went on and inherited his father's company. Life is so unfair sometimes.

I'm to blame for some of my circumstances, but not all. I finally finished my degree and will be starting my masters in the spring. My old friend Rachel would be proud of me. She would be even happier knowing I moved out of the God-forsaken town. I ensured no one knew where I moved right away. My commute to work will be nearly an hour, but the move will be worth it.

Anywho, I walked back in from my lunch break to find at least four bouquets of roses scattered on my desk.

"What's all this?" my friend Kathrine asked with a curious look on her face. "You tell me. Weren't you standing here when it was delivered?" I chuckled. "Maybe" she replied shrugging her shoulders. "Well, is there a card?" I asked knowing she's probably already read it. "I am nosey, but I'm not that bad!" she said with guilt written all over her face. "You read it didn't you?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "YES! And you have an admirer!" she squealed delightedly. "You nosey bitch!" I laughed. " Well, you shouldn't have taken so long on your break" Katherine replied playfully rolling her eyes. " I'm not interested in whoever it is," I said not bothering to read the card. "Well, I think Martin would be displeased that you were ignoring him," she said with a sly smile.

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