Chapter 30: I Miss You

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Three months later...


After Noah got injured, I didn't hear from Kyle as much. Apparently, he was making a play for a more permanent spot. It's been over 6 months since I've ever laid eyes on the poor bastard. The last time he called me a few weeks ago he mentioned spending some time away during the holidays but I declined.

I made the decision to travel to New York and slum it with my bestie, Sonya. I wasn't too keen on her being friends with Ramona's ass but she's a grown woman. I heard Jakoby, Kiara, and Ramona weren't even friends anymore. I'm sure she will give me the scoop.

I fell asleep on the plane ride to New York. My plane landed roughly jolting me up from my sleep. I grabbed my carry-on once instructed and walked off the plane where Sonya stood holding a big sign with my name on it.

"I'm so happy you're here!" Sonya exclaimed engulfing me in a hug. "Me too! What are you wearing?" I asked looking at her neon belly shirt and fur coat. "This is the style here!" She exclaimed happily showing me her boots. "Sure thing" I replied dryly. "Oh, come on! I'm embracing the culture here. Besides, I admit been home since I left. I'm in a watch of a new identity" Sonya said laughing. "I missed you. Tell me everything about your life" I said interlacing my arm in hers.

Sonya took me to a hole in the wall pizza place after I dropped my bag off at her dorm. It was my first time actually visiting her. She had come to visit me once about a year ago but I knew she worked a lot now that her mom and she have such a rocky relationship. Her father helps pay for her books and food so she's set really.

"Well, my parents came up during the summer I didn't get to see them much because of work but they came. Can you believe my mom only insulted me a hand full of times?" She joked taking a bite of her meat-lovers pizza slice. "Is she at least trying to get better?" I asked in between bites.

She shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to eat.

"So, you replaced me with Ramona huh?" I asked slightly serious. "Oh, God no! We are cool but it's nothing like that. Besides, she basically dumped both her lifelong best friends just to be friends with me. You cannot trust people like that. Now, she's being super clingy to me because he's apparently not talking to them or the other way around" Sony said rolling her eyes. "Is she still messing with Leon?" I asked incredulously. "No! He kicked her ass to the curb because of me" she laughed. "How so? Oh, because he didn't want y'all to be friends?" I giggled. "Yes and no," she said sitting her pizza down.

I could tell for her from her guilty look on her face that she had done something.

"What did you do slut?" I asked already knowing the fatal attraction between her and Leon. "Well, I didn't mean for it to happen it just did about four times" she confessed. "YOU DIDN'T?" I asked with my mouth hanging wide open. "In her bed too girl" Sony bragged. "You dirty girl!" I exclaimed in a fit of laughter. "He was so disappointed in himself too. It didn't stop him from doing dirty things with me when Ramona was either at work or with Breona. I would just stop by and there he was looking sexy as ever and I took advantage every time" Sonya slid proudly. "Is that why he won't talk to Ramona?" I asked. "Yep! It's because he can't face the fact that he will never stop thinking about screwing me" she replied shrugging her shoulders. "You're such a bad friend" I laughed. "I'm the best!" She said with a cheesy grin.

I couldn't believe what my bestie was doing. Poor Leon never stood a chance.

"What about your boy toy, Kyle?" She asked. "Ugh! Old news! I have my eyes on someone else that's off-limits" I explained. "Ohhh, do tell!" She said anxiously. "He's a professor. He teaches Women Studies" I giggled. "Emm hmm, tell me more" Sonya urged. "He's married but going through a divorce. We are taking it slow. It's been five months and we haven't crossed any line. His divorce is final on the 28th of this month. I have to be careful because I could get fired and I could get throwing out of school" I admitted. "Okay, your secret is safe with me bestie!" She said sticking out her pinky.

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