RvB S6 E5 Chapter 5

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Chairmen:(voiceover) Dear Director, we can all understand that the shift from autonomy to oversight can be difficult adjustment for anyone, but especially someone of your standing, in the spirit. We have attempted to accommodate your brief explanations to our serious inquiries, nonetheless I feel compelled to inform you, that even our trust has its limits.

We see the group (minus's Maximus and the Kids who are flying above the place) are standing in front of the wall.

Wash:(standing near a mongoose) Looks like she's here.

Jack: Ya or the fact the Meta had killed those blues over there(points at the graves of the dead blues helmets on crosses made of earth).

Sarge: And sense it's more than likely that the reds here are dead as well, which means we got more graves to be filled.

York: Just keep your heads down, and eyes open(looks at Delta) D, I want you to stay with Jack.

Delta(t): York, it would be best if I assisted you in battle rather than Jack?

York: I know D, but if I get captured or killed...

Delta: I understand, but what if Agent North?

North: I'll be providing over watch from up there(point at the tower).

Delta:(turns and faces Jack) Have you ever experience having an A.I. before?

Jack: Two times.


Jack: No two different times, when my sister Crystal was my A.I. And then my adopted daughter.

Wash: How-.

Allison: Long story.

Wash: Alright fine is four will head through the right while the rest of you go towards the base through the left.

Carter: Gotcha.

Wash and the four freelancers head of to the right while North heads up the tower, and the Reds and Blues head up through the left and Church starts a conversation with Delta.

Church: Psst, hey Delta!

Delta: Yes how may I be of assist?

Sarge and Jack are up front and the others are behind them while Church talks to Delta.

Church: Hey, can I ask you a couple of questions about this Freelancer program?

Delta: Certainly. I will answer what I am capable of answering.

Church: Do you about the Alpha?

Delta: How do you know about the Alpha?!

Cherry: When we were first here there was a computer that we got access to and we found out about the Alpha and how it was a copy of the Director.

Delta: You would be correct Ms. Cherry, but for the Director the Alpha wasn't a A.I. To him it was a way to make us, the Alpha A.I. Fragments.

Rose: Wait you mean-.

Jack: Yes, Delta here was part of the Alpha A.I.

Both Sarge and Jack are looking through the hole in the wall while Carter and Rose move the bodies of Dellario and Burke to the back.

Delta: You are correct Sargent Jack, many of the Agents indeed has A.I fragments were paired up with other Agents and the Agents were also used as experiments as well.

Red vs Blue (male oc x sister) and(multiple oc's)Where stories live. Discover now