RvB S4 E3 Fight or Fright

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Outside the fortress
Tex,Sheila,Church(T),Tucker,and Caboose, are panting from running from the elites.

Church: Ugh! Man I cannot fuckin' stand the idea of my body laying in there.

Andy:(yells from inside the fortress) Hehe, you never looked better!

Church:(turns and faces the fortress) Hey shut up Andy!(turns and looks at everyone else) You know we could have taken those aliens out if I'd have hit them a few more times, right Jack?

Church then looks at to the spot where Jack would have been standing there and along with Jack, Michael is also missing!

Sheila: Uh...where's Jack and Michael?!

Everyone then turn their heads towards the fortress.

Tucker: Oh son of a bitch!

Inside the fortress
Jack and Michael are talking to Varcods, while the miner stands there glaring at them.

Jack: So what are you two doing here anyway?

Elite Miner: BLARG! BLARG! HONK!

Michael:(confused and then looks at Varcods)  Uh what the hell is he saying?

Varcods: He saying "none of your business" But the reason we are here is for some kind of  "key" for the "gods".

Jack: You don't sound like every other elite that followed the prophets.

Varcods: The reason I'm not like this moron(points at the elite miner) is because my brothers were killed by the parasite.

Jack: Oh...I'm sorry for your lost, I heard about the flood.

Varcods: Thank you, but I ended their suffering personally.

Michael: So how old are you?

Varcods: In your human years I would be 50yrs old.

Cherry then appears next to Jack which sends the blue elite miner into a frenzy.

Elite miner: BLARG!HONK!BLARG!

The blue elite attempts to grab Cherry but Jack grabs the elite and force him into the wall and the elite struggles until his eyes are locked on to Jack's red energy sword and then he looks up to the sky and starts yapping?


Jack:(has his energy sword near his throat) What the hell is he talking about?

Varcods: He is asking the "Gods" to save him from...you.

Cherry: Uh? Why is he asking the "Gods" to save him? From Jack?

Varcods: Because of that (points at Jack's sword).

Jack: My sword?

Varcods: Jack if I may ask? How did you acquire that sword? Because the last owner had their entire spinal and skull were pulled out his body and along with his entire crew rip to fucking shreds!

Jack: I got it from him when I did that to him..hehe.

Varcods:(wide eyed)Your the Destroyer!

Cherry:(confused) The Destroyer?

Varcods: It is a name that those in the covenant has come to fear when the distress beacon was activated a rescue team was sent and when they got there the thought the parasite had done this but when they got to the ships security hub and pulled the video feed and it showed you going on a rampage of brutality killing the crew and then taking that sword and going into a escape pod and left for human space.

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