RvB S5 E3 The Grif Reaper

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Blue base
The members of Blue squad are in their own little groups and talking to each other as for Red squad they are back at their base.

Tex: So Jack's girlfriend is here?

Church: Ya they make a cute couple.

Sheila: Can't wait for the wedding!

With Doc and Tucker's Kid.

Doc: See,(points at his armor) my suit is purple? Can you say purple? Pur?

Baby elite: Honk.

Doc: Pull.

Baby elite: Blarg.

Doc: Great! Now can you say medic? Med.

Baby elite: Blarg.

Doc: Ic.

Baby elite: Honk.

With Tex, Sheila, and Church.

Tex: So Donut is missing?

Church: Ya, Sarge thinks that Donuts armor kept him safe and that he probably went through the ground.

Behind them Tucker comes out of the base, holding onto his head.

Tucker: Uh, whudldlddldldldldluh, Bludludududududdduh.

Tex: Oh well, look who's awake.

Tucker: Ugh, what the fuck happened?

Michael: Well dude the short version is that you got fucked by a elite which then got you pregnant and gave birth to a demonic little child that loves to drink blood.

Tucker: Oh right, I need to start workin' out, lose all this baby fat.

Tex: What baby fat?

Sheila: Yeah, we should all start working out, you know, Uh, especially some of us.

Tucker: Yeah, some of us seem to have let ourselves go more than others.

Church: Are you guys talkin' about me?!

Tex: Yes we are talking about you.

Church: Hey back off guys, I've been under a lot of stress!

Tex: How have you been stressed?!

Church: Well I have to deal with Tank because he was trying to kill the Reds!

Tex: WHAT! Why that little-!

Church: It's fine Tex I took out his cannon he can't fire his primary weapon.

Tex sighs and Church and Tucker head to Doc to meet Tucker's kid.

Red base-motor pool.
Currently Kai and Jack are talking until Cherry(T) interrupts them.

Cherry:(nervously) Um Jack? Kai? Can I ask you two something?

Jack: Ya sure, what is it?

Cherry: Um I was thinking that sense you two are a couple that you could maybe....

Kai: Maybe what?

Cherry: Be my parents?

Jack: You want us to your parents?

Cherry: Yes, cause I always wanted a family and both of you talked about having kids from your memories.

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