RvB S6 E2 Chapter 2

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Rats Nest-blue base

Director:(voiceover) A response, from the Director of project Freelancer, Dear Chairmen, while I am obligated to assist your investigation, I ask you that you not waste my time with irrelevant questions, my agency is normally unconcerned as troop reassignment, except of course, the most critical of matters.

A man in blue armor and runs down a ramp while four blues watch as he goes over to Washington and his group and he's not very happy.

Blue leader: Oh no!Hell no! Excuse me,sir, but no goddamn way!

Wash: You must be Lieutenant Miller.

South: What was your first clue.

Miller: I've got reds comin'out of my ass here sense those two new reds to charge, and you wanna take two of my men away for a-(looks up at the group) what did he say this for?

Blue soldier: A secret mission,sir!

Miller: Aw, you gotta be-a what?!

Maine: Look we have orders to get PFC(Private first class) Caboose and SSG(Staff Sergeant) Michael, because they have information that could be vital-.

Miller: Wait a second,Caboose? You're taking Caboose? And I don't have to pay you or anything like that?

York: Is that a problem?

Miller: A problem?Hehe, hell no! It must be Christmas morning! N'no one told me! You stay right here, I'll get 'im for you, Private Jones!

One of the soldiers at the end of the line looks down at his CO.

Jones: Yes sir?

Miller: Go get Michael and then get Caboose out of the brig.

Jones: Yes sir,(leaves to go get Michael).

Michael's room
Michael is in his room working on his gear,when Jones entered his room.

Jones: Hey mike? Can you help me with your brother?

Michael: Sure, I told Miller let me talk to him, but nooo!

Back with Washington's group and Miller.

York: You keep him in the brig?

Miller: I have to! He keeps sneaking off base! Every night to talk to the reds leaders.

Michael and Caboose head towards them, while Jones goes back up to the balcony.

Caboose: You wanted to see us, principal Miller?

Miller:(looks at Michael and Caboose) These five are from command, these agents are going to ask you a few questions.

Wash: PFC Caboose and SSG Michael, you two were stationed at Blood Gulch,correct?

Caboose: Yeah...I miss that place.

Michael: Ya it was a simpler times.

York: And our records indicate that you(looking at Caboose) were infected by an aggressive artificial intelligence program at one point,the Omega A.I. That is correct as well?

Caboose: Yeah...that wasn't as much fun.

Michael: Yeah that little bastard was a pain in the ass.

Maine: Ok,well,we need you two come with us,we're investigating a critical issue and you two,seem to be the only people with the knowledge-.

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