RvB S4 E6 Getting all misty

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The canyon
Church and Sheila are currently looking for Tank.

Church: Tank! Where are you?!

Sheila: How can a 20,000 pound vehicle?! He isn't a fucking feather!

Church: Grif said that Tank was driving around our base area so we should look near the cave entrances-.

Church sentence is cut off when the sound of loud engine and a low rumble comes from on the caves.

Sheila: Tank? Is that you?

Her answer comes when the APC comes rolling through the caves.

Church: Hey! Their back! Hey go get the Reds!

Sheila then takes off towards Red base as she runs towards the base the APC stops right next to Church the top hatch of the right side driver seat opens and Jack's helmet pops up and he turns towards Church.

Jack: Howdy stranger!

Church:(chuckling) Damn you know how to make an entrance!

As everyone gets out of the APC, Sheila and the Reds come running except for Lopez and Crystal who are still a sleep at base.

Sarge:(hugs Jack) Damn Jack! You had us worrying!

Jack: It's good to see you guys again!

Varcods:(walks up to them) So you must be the famous Sarge, Jack's be talking about.

Sarge: And you must be Varcods the white armored elite.

Varcods: Indeed.

There both quiet for a few seconds until they both shake hands.

Tucker:(yawns) Dude's can we go get some sleep?

Jack: Ya I second that decision full heartily.

Allison: Alright I guess we'll see you guys later.

Both teams split up the Reds take the APC to their base and the Blues walk back to their base. And as the Reds enter their base they all see that both Lopez and Crystal are up and she see's her brother.

Crystal: Jack!

She then tackles him into a hug.

Jack:(straining to breath) It's good to see you too sis! But I'm in need of fresh air right now.

Crystal: Oops! Sorry!(she then let's go of him).

(A/N: She's got the TITIAN serum in her blood as well and she's pregnant so ya she going to be one hell of a mom).

Sarge: I thought you two were sleeping?

Lopez: We were and we woke up a few minutes ago and we looked in the storage area and found some things in there.

Grif: Really? Well let's go see then.

As they enter the storage area they see some things that both teams could use but a create with the words R.E.X.Y. catches Jack's eyes.

Jack: Hey what's this?

Crystal: Don't know we found this thing under a tarp, we tried to get it open but it's got a password on it and senses I'm not a A.I. anymore I can't hack it.

Cherry the appears before them.

Cherry(T): Well I'm not human so I can hack it. Just give me a few seconds.

Red vs Blue (male oc x sister) and(multiple oc's)Where stories live. Discover now