RvB S5 E2 Sibling arrivalries

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Outside of Blue base
Church and Doc along with Tucker's kid head towards the Reds and pelican.

Church: Alright lets see how the Reds are doing.

Doc: What they even doing?

Church: A pelican came out of no where and they couldn't get it open.

With the Reds

Grif: Kaikana!

Kai: Dexter!

(A/N: I don't like the name sister so Kai will be sister name throughout the series).

Both siblings run in to each other and hug each other afraid if they let go the other would disappear.

Grif:(lets go and looks up and down his sister) My god you've grown!

Kai: Well that's what happens when your born! Oh my god! I have so much to tell you!

Grif: Like the fact you have a boyfriend?

Kai: How did you know?!

Grif then steps out of the way as Jack stands there with his helmet off and Kai's eyes go wide as dinner plates when she see's her boyfriend.

Kai: Jack?! Is that you?

Jack:(smiles) Hey Kai.

She then tackles Jack into a hug and they share a loving kiss that they have not have in years. And then they break apart so they can breath.

Jack:(leans his head against Kai's head) You have no idea how much I miss that.

Kai:(giggles) I can say the same thing to you.

Sarge: Ahem!

They both turns towards everyone else.

Sarge:(smiles under his helmet) So you going to introduce us?

Jack:Uh,yes,sorry,ehm, Kai meet my friends/family, this is Sarge and my step farther.

Sarge: Nice to meet ya little lady.

Kai: I thought you have to have a mother for him to be your step farther?

Allison: Well that's we're I come in(takes of her helmet) Allison Church, Jack's,Lina's,Crystal's,Michael's,Caboose's, Mother.

Kai: But I thought you were killed!?

Allison: It's a longggg story.

Jack: And over here is Lopez and you already know my twin sister Crystal.

Kai: Crystal!(looks and see's her best friend is human do to that fact that her helmet is off and that she's pregnant) Your human and your pregnant?! Who's the farther?

Crystal:(giggles and takes Lopez's hand into her's) Well the fact is that my boyfriend is Lopez.

Kai: Well congratulations! When's the wedding!?

Lopez then faints.

Jack: And over here is my friends/best are Simmons,Cherry my A.I. Partner, Rexy, and Varcods.

Kai: It's a pleasure to meet you all!

Church:(in the distance) Hey guys!

The Reds turn towards Church and Doc.

Lopez: Hey Church and Doc.

Kai: Aren't they the enemy?

Jack then leans into her right ear and whispers what they have been doing and her eyes go wide as dinner plates.


Church: Ya we were kind of surprised as well.

Kai: So? What were you guys doing before my ride crashed?

Jack: Well we were trying to figure out how to get in the pelican but sense you open it and walk out of it.

Kai: The mission accomplished!

Crystal: Ya and now we need to figure out what happen to Donut because if he's not under the pelican we're the hell is he then?

Under ground
There's a underground cavern and then we hear the muffled voice of blood Gulch can be heard?

Donut: A baby! Wait up! I wanna see!

Sarge: Donut! Get back here! Tank is still out there!

Donut: But Tank's cannon is offline! And besides, my husband is in there and I haven't talk to him or hold him in for ever! And he doesn't have the evil A.I. Fragment in his head anymore! What could happen!?

Cherry: Uh! Jack! That pelican from before is about to land right on Donut!

Jack: Donut! Get out of there! A-.

And then the pelican lands right on Donut which causes him to fall through the roof?


After falling for six seconds and screaming, he hits the ground with a loud thumb.

Donut: OW!

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