RvB S6 E4 Chapter 4

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Director:(voiceover) Dear Chairmen, rest assured we have the situation under control, while the Meta is proving to be an elusive enemy, our recovery team is already closing in on it. I expect this incident will reach a conclusion soon, and I will be able to return to my research, hopefully without further interruption.

Valhalla-outpost 17-B.
With Wash and his team talking to a private dressed in grey armor.

Private: Sorry sir, those are my orders, no one can approach the crash site, you can't come in,sorry.

Wash: We need to see that pelican, check our clearance if you need to.

Private: I know sir, but, it won't matter, they said that I can't let anyone in,anybody.

South: We have orders from command,private.

Private: So do I, these came from the Director himself,(looks over his shoulders) look,Ma'am and Sirs, I'd like to help you all, I really would, but this investigation thing...apparently they've started talking to people within the Recovery force, now everything's getting locked down, you get command to call me and tell me different, I can let you in, until then, there's nothing I can do, you can use red base if you wanna make some calls, that facility already been swept.

Maine: Fine, we understand.

The five Freelancers walk back to others while the kids and Maximus and Rexy stay a few yards away from the area.

York:(sighs) We have a problem.

Caboose: I hope it isn't a math problem.

Tala: What's the problem?

North: They've got the crash site locked down.

Church:(sarcastically) Great!

Wash: They said we could use this base if we want.

Ivy: WOW, the empty concrete base? Is it our birth day?

Caboose/Tala: I WANT CAKE!

They both look at each other and then turn away and under their helmets they are blushing.

Jack:(whispers and leans into Michael and Grif) You both one me fifty bucks!

Ivy: Can't we somewhere nicer to hang out? Hey! Maybe there's a cool strip club nearby! That you can't get us into either, that would be awesome!

York: Ok the rest of you stay here, We'll go draw off the guards away, when we give you guys the signal, use that grav-lift.

All the Reds and Blues look at what York is looking at.

Church: The what? How do we use it?

Maine: Just step into it, it'll do the rest, meet us at the pelican.

Sheila: But aren't they experimental?

South: There finished now, a bunch of them are all over at other bases.

Jack: Okay,(looks towards the freelancers) What's...the...signal?

Only to see them gone.

Jack: Fuck! I hate when they do that.

Caboose: When they do wha(see's the freelancers are gone) hey! Wheres the freelancers?

All the Reds and Blues are standing in front of the grav-lift, waiting for the freelancers signal.

Jack: Anyone know what there going to do a distraction?

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