RvB S6 E3 Chapter 3

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Chairmen:(voice over) Dear Director, due to your busy schedule, we have begun interviewing members of your staff. I'm certain you will let us know if this bothers you. However, our debriefings keep coming back to a single subject at outpost 17-B. Can you explain to us what this Meta is, and what your plans are to deal with it?

Space Station Orbital
The group are standing in a hallway of the space station and they see no one.

Wash:(looking at Sarge and Allison) Are you two sure they're in here?

Sarge: Of course! We all got our-.

Sarge is interrupted by the sound of a mongoose driving around the corner.

Grif: What the hell?

And they all turn and see an elite minor driving said mongoose with weed sticking out of his jaws? And speaking in a America southern accent?


He then drives past the group, then they see two people chasing him one in lavender colored armor and a familiar yellow armor.

Kai:(panting and looking at the other person who is a girl) I thought you hid his stash!? Ivy!

Ivy: I did! But that little bastard just found them somehow.

Grif: Uh sis?

Both women turn and looks at the group.

Kai:(joyful) Guys! What are you doing here?(looks at the five Freelancers) and who are they.

Allison: These are the freelancers that Tex was talking about, but who is she?(pointing towards Ivy).

Ivy: I'm Major Ivy Xaio Long, leader of blue team and the blue berry elite that just past through was Vons and right now he's currently high.

York: Come again?

Kai: He smokes weed and he likes to smoke weed and talk in a southern accent.

Sarge: Ok...so hows Crystal coming along?

Kai:(smiles) Well you two are now grandparents of two girl's and boys and along with Cherry.

Allison: Oh my god! Take me to them I want to meet them!

(A/N: for the timeline to of the story is 10 years after the end of season 5).

Wash: Hey wait a minute! We came to get back up and then-.

York: Come in wash, lighten up!

Wash: Fine! We'll go and by the way I know your trying to suck up to your girlfriends mom so she doesn't beat the living shit out of you.

Sarge:(walking past them) And piss off her step farther.

York gulps as he realize that he's got two parents and one of them has a shotgun.

Hangout area of Orbital.
We see three little kids in armor playing with Rexy and their names are Lily,Jasmine,and Logan, we also see a cherry color armor women watching over them, this is Cherry and she see's her mom and one of her many aunts and her friends and grandparents and the five Freelancers coming to them.

Cherry: Hey mom, hey aunt Ivy.

Kai: Hey sweethearts,(looks down at her nieces and nephew) hi guys! I got some people that I want you to meet.

Jasmine:(look and see's the group) Who are they?

Cherry: Well cousins these are other family members and those two people (pointing at Sarge and Allison) are our grandparents.

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