RvB S6 E6 Chapter 6

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Director:(Voiceover) The Meta is nothing more than an entity seeking to increase its power, in these confusing days after the war. From my perspective. That seems to be a very common occurrence at the moment.

With the fire fight between the Reds and Blues, who are still firing back at the the three red idiots from Rats Nest.

Wash:(firing burst shots) Where did these guys come from?!

Sarge: From our base back at Rats Nest!

South:(looks at Sarge) Do you think they're working with the Meta?

Allison: Working with it? These guys don't do much working of any kind, so...no.

Wash:(looks and see's Jack's unconscious form on the ground) Look! There's Jack!

Caboose: Is he having a nap-time?

Rose then looks at Jack's unconscious form and she taps a button in the side of her visor and a heart rate and a picture of Jack appeared in her vision and Wash does the same.

Wash/Rose: Hold on. Let me pull up the biocomm. I'll check his vitals.

Rose is looking at Jack and Wash is looking at Church.

Church: Uh...you can monitor all of our vitals.

York:(taking cover from a barrage of bullets) We can check on the whole team during combats. That includes medics as well.

Wash: Keeps anyone up to date. It doesn't work on you for some reason.

Church: Yeah,Uh,sure there's a...perfectly logical explanation for that.

Caboose: Which doesn't involve a tank...what so ever.

Rose: We need to get him. My hud says he's alive but he's got a head injury.

Allison: Hurt! How the hell did he get hurt?!

Grif: He probably ran into the Meta.

With the three idiots
Who are using two creates and a barrel as cover as they continue firing at the Reds and Blues, and the Freelancers.

red idiot 1: Keep firing! Will keep them pin!

red idiot 2:  And keep throwing those Pineapples!

Inside the fortress
The Mets is watching the fight on a video screen and then changing its armor color to red.

Red idiot 1:(video screen) Aim for their heads! And throw more pineapples!

The Mets walks down a ramp and heads towards the main buildings generator and then the screen shows a warning in big red letters saying "GENERATOR MALFUNCTIONING!"

Back with the group.

Maine: We have to end this! Jack is injured. He could be losing blood!

Church: He should be fine! He's like the toughest guy's I know! Maybe.

York: Well, what about D? The Mets could've have grabbed him! She could be trying to-.

Then the power goes out.

The Reds and Blues: What was that?!

The Freelancers: Oh no.

Then the power turns back on.

South: The Meta! She must be powering up. We cant't waste anymore time with this nonsense!

Wash steps out and starts talking though a built-in megaphone.

Wash: red team. Attention, red team. Cease fire. Cease fire.

Michael: Hey how do you do that megaphone thing with your voice?

Carter: Ya it sounds awesome!

Maine: It's a voice amplifier. It's standard issue, all of our suits have one.

Church: They do?

red idiot 1: What do you want?

red idiot 2: Yeah, what do you want?

red idiot 1: Dude shut up!

Wash:(Megaphone) We are not your enemies. My name is Agent Washington. I am part of a special squad-.

Church:(Megaphone) Testing, te-holy shit! It does work! This is badass!

Michael:(Megaphone) I sound like I'm a God!

Wash:(Megaphone) Stop that!

Church:(Megaphone) Ah! Don't use that thing right next to me!

Michael:(Megaphone) My ear's are bleeding!

red idiot 1: We're not fallin for that again.

Wash:(Megaphone) I am a special agent from command!

Michael:(Megaphone) And stop shooting at us! Or I'm gonna splatter your guy's guy's all over the pavement!

Church:(Megaphone) And this is the voice of God! Give up your evil ways! Drop your guns and-.

Both Wash and Michael hit Church in the head.

Church: Ow! Hey come on! Seriously! You're guys gonna break it!

Michael: I just turned mine off.

red idiot 2: Aw yeah? Well, if you're from command, then you'd know our secure code word wouldn't you?

Wash:(Megaphone) What? Oh right. Hold one sec, the code is...code word?

Sarge: Are you fucking kidding me!

red idiot 3: Fuck!

red idiot 2: Are you fucking serious right now!

red idiot 1: Alright stand down guys.

red idiot 2: Stand down?! We out number them three to two that's like a three to two, that's thirty-two percent advantage of you carry the one.

Simmons: They don't out number us. We out number them to 20 against 3.

red idiot 2:(looks and see's the Mets with red color armor that's walking towards the warthogs) Fuck you guys I'm going to get the local reds here to help me.

The second red idiot walks over to the Meta.

red idiot 2: Hey there, soldier! What's your name?!


red idiot 2: Huh, sounds like someone has a cold. Anyway,listen, I need your help with some...

The Mets then picks up the Jeep and lifts it up above its head.

red idiot 2:...thing. Wow. That's a cool trick. How did you do...

The Mets turns towards the idiot. Who backs up in fear.

red idiot 2: Uhm...I Uh...

Then the idiots runs back towards his friends.

With the group.

Allison: I don't like this. It gotten pretty quiet out there.

Church: You don't think they're really working with the Meta, do you?

Then they all hear an explosion outside and they all of them look outside to see the 3 red idiots dead and a destroyed warthog at the center of the explosion.

Wash: No I don't think so...

Caboose: I don't think that car likes them.

Red vs Blue (male oc x sister) and(multiple oc's)Where stories live. Discover now