RvB S4 E4 Fair Competition

618 10 0

Blood Gulch
The Reds are currently in a meeting.

Sarge: So now that we know both bases are safe does anyone have any idea of who sent that distress call that lead us here? Because we search both bases com rays and they haven't been used.

Simmons: Well I have a theory.

Allison: What's your theory Simmons?

Simmons: Maybe the person calling for help must have been Tank senses he's the only one here we encounter.

Lopez: Maybe we can ask Tank? About if there has been anyone else?

Sarge: Makes sense, well let's go.

The Reds leave the base and head to Blue base.

Jack and Varcods are walking towards the Blues and Elite miner who is sitting in front of a white board?

Tucker:(slowly) Okay, Church is trying to find some sharp things sense we already got Andy and Varcods as translators, so that way I can use letters to spell things for the Elite.

Varcods: Uh Tucker was it? That moron can understand us just fine.

Tucker:(turns and looks at Varcods and Jack) I wasn't talking to him I was talking to Caboose.

Caboose:(confused) I don't understand? Are-are-are you hungry? Tucker are you hungry? Are you cold?

Tucker: What?! NO!

Caboose:(still confused) Do you need a blanket? Tucker, do you want some hot dogs in a blanket?

Michael:(laughing on the ground and holding his sides) PFFFHAHAHAHAHA! That funny to hear then watch it through Caboose's eyes when we did that!

Tucker: Dammit no! Caboose I'm not cold, I don't want a hot dog, and if you put mustard in my fucking sheets again I'm gonna take away you stash of cookies (looks at Michael who's still laughing on the ground) and if you don't stop your stash of root beer is next.

Michael then stops laughing and stands right up.

Michael: Shutting up!

Caboose:(ignores Tucker's comment and looks fat the elite) Ok gargantuan alien, now that we have decided to keep you your going to need a nickname.

Sheila: What's nickname should he have Caboose?

Caboose: I vote for Fluffy!


Elite Miner: Blarg?!!!!!

Cherry(T): Why fluffy? Caboose(struggling to hold back a laugh).

Caboose: Fluffy! The Elite that only loves!

Jack:(holding back a laugh but a chuckle escapes and looks at Varcods) What is his name?

Varcods: His name is Holy.

Tucker: I wonder if he can say our names? Hey Holy dude, can you say our names? I and Tucker,This is Michael,Sheila,Caboose,Jack,Cherry, and over there is (jokingly) Bitch-pants Mcrabby.

Tex: Hey!

Tucker: I'm kidding!

Sheila: Her name is Tex.

Holy: Blarg! Honk! Blarg! Honk! Blarg!

Tex: Translation?

Andy: He said "That I will not lower my self to your non-believers"!

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