RvB S4 E8 The Arival

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Blue base
Church and Doc are currently standing in front of Tucker as he starts to sit up.

Tucker: Ugh! What's the diagnosis, Doc?

Doc: Congratulations Tucker! You're pregnant!

O'mally: Hahaha,yes, with child, muhahahahah!

Tucker: WHAT! How?! I'm a dude! Not a chick!

Church: Relax Tucker it's not a human it's a alien embryo.

Just the Tex and Sheila come running into the base with Tex holding onto Tanks power core.

Tex: Church we got a problem!

Church: Ugh! What now!

Sheila: Well to start off Tank is now a captain and in charge of Blue team and second he contacted "Blue command" which told him to kill the Reds.

Church: Urgh! I thought we were done with all this Red vs Blue shit!? What else could go wrong?!

A explosion is heard outside and Sarge's voice who yelled "TAKE COVER"! From outside. We're there's more explosions. And the both Michael and Caboose come running into the base.

Church: I'll go deal with this!(runs pass them and out side).

Sheila:(heads towards both Michael and Caboose) You two alright?!

Michael:(panting) Ya we're fine but Tank's back up power turned on and start firing at the Reds.

Tucker: Uh, would this be a bad time to mention that my stomach just started hurting really bad?

Doc: Oh boy, Michael? Caboose? Better go boil some water.

Michael: On it! Come on Caboose!

Blood gulch
The Reds are currently taking cover behind a bunch of boulders.

Jack:(keeping Rexy out of the tanks shells) How the fuck does he still have power?!

Simmons: He's probably like the warthog he stores sunlight into his back up systems and when his main power source is gone he activates into that extra energy!

Grif: Oh that's just fucking great!

Donut then see's Church come running towards Tank with one of his hands behind his back.

Donut: Hey! It's Church!

Rexy: Oh thank God!

With Church and Tank.

Church:(hold something behind his back) Hey Tank!

Tank:(turns his barrel at Church) Hmm?

Church: Catch! (Throws a sticky into the end barrel which explodes and disables the main cannon).

Tank:(shocked) What the! PFC Church! What is the meaning of this!?

Church: Saving my friends! Now us the senior officer I am ordering you back to base!

Tank: Your not the senior officer!

Church: Correction I've been here longer then you which makes me the senior officer! NOW MOVE!

Tank lowers his damage barrel and heads back to base, and just then Church's radio crackles to life.

Caboose:(over the radio) Come in Church, come in.

Church:(looks towards Blue base) Caboose?! What did I tell you man. You're not supposed to use the radio while O'mally's here! Oh great-now I'm on the radio too!

Michael:(over the radio) That's why we are on the radio, someone already used their radio and now we can't find him!

Church: Oh my fucking God!

Inside Blue base
Sheila and Tex are holding both of Tucker's hands as he is giving birth.

Tucker: Ohh, hee hee hee hoo, huuugggghhh!

Doc: Congratulations, it's a-thing?

Alien baby: BLARG! BLARG!

Back outside

Church:(here's the baby voice) Oh please tell me that's not what I think it was.

Caboose: Uh, well that's the other thing we called about, um, Tucker has his alien baby.

Tucker:(far away) I think I'm going to pass out!

There's a thumb in the background.

Michael: And he pass out.

Church: Urgh! Guys stay here I have to deal with an alien baby.

Donut: A baby! Wait up! I wanna see!

Sarge: Donut get back here! Tank is still out there!

Donut: But Tank's cannon is offline and besides, my husband is in there and I have talk to him or hold him in for ever! And he doesn't have the evil A.I. Fragment in his head anymore! What could happen!?

Cherry: Uh! Jack! That pelican from before is about to land right on top of Donut!

Jack: Donut! Get out of there! A-.

But his warning is cut short as the very same pelican comes crashing down right on top of Donut!

The Reds: DONUT!

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