RvB S5 E1 You can't park here

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Blue base
Church enters the base, hearing sound of objects breaking and falling over.

Church:(sees Doc in the hallway) Hey Doc! What the hell's going on in there?!

Doc: Church, that's Tucker's nightmare child!

Michael:(in the other room) Sheila! Grab him! He's heading towards you!

Sheila:(in the other room) I got him! No I don't!(crashes into something) OW!

Tex:(in the other room) I got the little bastard! No wait I don't!

Baby elite: Blarg! Honk! Blarg!

Church: What are they trying to do in there?

Doc: trying to contain the damn thing.

Michael:(yelling) It's on my back! Get him off! Get him off!

Tex:(yelling) Hold still!

Then there's the sound of some one getting hit repeatedly.

Michael: OW! Tex your only hitting me!

And then someone getting hit hard.

Michael:(very high pitch voice) And those were my balls!

Church: How is that thing so active?

Doc: Well the thing got hungry and then latched on to Caboose and started to drink his blood.

Church: Wait is Caboose ok?!

Doc: Ya he's fine, Michael pulled Tucker's kid off of him so Caboose might feel light headed.

Then Michael with some scratches on his armor carries Caboose with one arm over his shoulder.

Church: Christ! Michael are you ok?! (He helps set Caboose down on a gurney).

Michael: I'm fine just a few scratches on my armor, I'm more worried about Caboose though.

Doc:(walks over to Caboose and does a scan of him) He's just light head I'll get an IV into his arm, he should be up in a few hours.

Then they hear of something large and heavy crash outside the base.

Michael/Church: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?

Church: Michael your with me,(looks at Doc) Doc stat here with Caboose and keep an eye on him.

Doc: You got it!

Church: Alright lets go Michael.

Both Michael and Church run towards where they heard the crashing sound.

Blood Gulch
The pelican from before has crash in the canyon and also on top of Donut!

Sarge: Simmons! Status report!*coughs*.

Simmons: A pelican just crashed on top of Donut sir!

Sarge: Jack is he still alive?

Jack: Ya, Cherry showed me his vitals his heart rate is up but other than that he's alive!

Just the a sound of tapping is heard from inside the pelican?

Cherry(T): Uh...anyone else hearing that or am I going crazy?

Everyone else: No we can all hear it to.

Sarge: I'll go get the rest of the squad real quick.

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