RvB S4 E2 Hunting time

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Blood Gulch
Simmons is in the same cave but is moving left and right?

Simmons: Nooooo-Whoa!

He's dodging sniper blanks as the other Reds shoot at him.

Sarge: Aw! So close!

Crystal:(yells to Simmons) YOU GONNA CIME DOWN NOW!?

Simmons: Noooooo!

Sarge then fires another shot and Allison looks at him.

Allison: Hey! That was my turn babe!

Sarge:(playful smirk) Sorry honey but I got the bigger rifle.

Allison then playfully glares at her Fiancé and takes the butt end of her gun and slams it very very very hard into Sarges crotch and said person's eyes goes wide as dinner plates under his helmet and he lets go of his sniper and drop to his knees while holding his balls.

Allison: Who! Has the BIGGER rifle now?!

Sarge:(in a lot of pain) You dear.

Allison: That's right and don't you forget it.

Simmons: OW!!!!!

Everyone looks and see that Simmons also has been shot in the dick as well, everyone looks at Crystal who's rifle barrel is smoking.

Crystal:(agitated) Now are you going to come down now!?

Simmons:(very high pitched voice) YES MA'AM!

Lopez:(scared at of his mind) Remind me to never get on your bad side honey.

Outside the fortress
Jack,Tex,Caboose,Church(T),Tucker,Sheila,and Cherry(T) are standing in front of the fortress.

Tucker: We haven't seen those aliens come out,they're probably still hiding in there.

Jack:(loads a mag into his rifle) Well lets go get them.

Jack and Michael are walking up the ramp (and with Cherry inside Jack's helmet) but stop and turn towards the other Blues and see they haven't moved in a inch.

Cherry:(appears on Jack's shoulder and is confused as why the others haven't moved) Are you guys coming? Or what?

Tex:(starts walking slowly up the ramp with the others following her example) Ya were coming!

Jack,Cherry,and Michael, all look at each other and then back to others and think the same thing.

Jack/Cherry/Michael:*This is going to be a looooong day.*

Blood Gulch
The Reds are in front of their base after they had checked Blue base to see if everything should be and now their checking theirs.

Sarge: Alright, men and women, we need to keep an eye out for anything that could have happen to our base.

Grif: You got it Sarge.

Crystal: Man Jack's going to be pissed that his stash of cinnamon rolls are now expired.

Donut:(confused) What do you mean "stash", are you talking about that mini fridge in his room that HAD all those cinnamon roll cans?

Simmons:(nervously) What do you mean "had"?!

Donut:(still confused) I mean I used all of it on Sarge and Allison's engagement cake,why?

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