RvB S6 E8 Chapter 8

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Director:(voiceover) Dear Chairman. I understand your concern that increased activity would bring increased risk. However, our failsafes are simple but, foolproof, a dead or dying agent's beacon automatically notifies our recovery team and we will be on the scene immediately, to secure all the military's property.

Church is currently standing beside Jack's unconscious body with the freelancers standing in front of him.

Church(T): Guys, stay calm. We can explain.

Maine: We don't want explanations, we want the truth. NOW!

York: When were you gonna tell us about this?!

Church: Okay maybe I should start from the beginning. Caboose killed me with our tank and I'm a ghost.

Caboose: Not my fault, it was Tanks fault.

Sarge: Then we reached an truce. I built Church over here a new body.

Jack then sits right up and grabs his head in pain.

Jack:(groans) Damn! My head feels like I got punched by Optimus Prime!

Kai: Jack!

Kai runs into Jack and nearly squeezes Jack to death.

Jack:(trying to breath) Kai...can't...breath!

Kai: Oops! Sorry!(stops squeezing but still holds him) I'm so glad your ok!

Jack: Sorry I scared you guys,(looks at York) how's D doing?

Delta(t): I'm safe thanks to you.

South: Okay Sarge, how did you built him a robot body?

Michael: We had a spare in our base while the Reds had a spare.

Wash: And that didn't strike anyone as odd? That you would have kit's to build a robots that look like a soldier?

Simmons: Ya at first, but we just went with it because it was probably just standard issue equipment.

North: What? No. Have you ever run into anyone else who has one?

Jack: Dude, we only know us, we we're stuck in a box canyon, and then we all got separated.

Sarge: Yeah, and why did "Command" send us upgrades when we were to ship out to Rat's Nest.

Carter: Ya you guys didn't really trust us for like entire year.

Varcods: Well you guys were quite shocked about Jack's past.

Wash: Stop it! We can't stand this. No more going down memory lane you have to be the most immature soldiers we've ever met!

Grif: So?

Wash: From now on everyone just keep quiet and don't talk unless one of us ask you a question. That's an order, we need to figure this out.

Sarge: Hold on, you can't order us around!

Maine: Yes, we can.

Allison: No you can't, I'm the highest ranking here as my rank in the UNSC as Commander (walks towards to the two freelancers that start to coward before her) so are we going to have a problem Corporal David and Sergeant Rex?!

Wash/Maine: Wait you-.

Allison: Yes I remember you two, both of you are excellent soldiers that need to calm the fuck down!

Maine:(stands at attention) YES MA'AM! But we know that your our commander but the others-.

Sarge: I'm a Sergeant in the ODST.

Jack: Me and Grif were Corporal and Private. Back in the Great War.

John: And I was a Lieutenant back in the UNSC Air Force.

Michael: So ya, a lot of us have actually fought in actual war.

York: Look can(looks towards at Sarge,Grif,and Simmons) you three go look for any clues on the Meta and check on those warthogs.

Sarge: Alright let's go.

The three head down to the ground while Carter,Von,Rose,Tala,Ivy,and Cayde, head down to bury the all the dead red's.

Wash: Church, get back in your armor you're just going to draw attention to yourself like that.

Church: Fine, but first-.

Wash: No, No first. Get in your armor.

Church: I really think I should tell you what it is-.

Wash: Sh.

Church: I have a fucking message from Omega!

Wash: Omega? Why didn't you tell us?!

Jack: Seriously dude?!

York: How did you get in contact with him?

Church: He left a message for me in Jack's head. Actually for me to give to you, I guess he figured out I would get in there and find it.

North: How would he know that? Did he know what you are?

Church: Well I didn't tell him. But he seemed pretty smart. Maybe he just put two and two together.

Caboose: Four!

Jack: That wasn't actually a test, Caboose.

Caboose: Yes it was, I won. A+.

South: What was the message?!

Church: He said "Memory is the Key".

York: Memory is the Key? Did he say Anthony else?

Church: Nothin'important.

Michael: Memory is the Key? What the hell does that mean?

Church: He said Wash would know.

Wash: Memory is the Key.

Jack: Yes Wash, we already establish that already.

Wash: Gather your gear, we're leaving. Now.

Then all five Freelancers leave.

Caboose: I think he's angry because of what you said to him.

Allison: I think it means he knows what Omega meant.

The rest of the group arrived with the three Reds check the blood trail.

North: What do you got?

Sarge: Nothin, all we know is that it's blood type is O negative and all three hogs are busted.

Wash: How fast can you fix them?

Grif: If me,Sarge,Jack,Michael,and Carter, work, we can get at least one hog in working order.

Maine: Not good enough, you need to give me two working hogs ASAP.

Jack:(looks at Wash) Why, where are we going?

York: Omega was right. Memory is the Key.

Church: But what the hell does that mean?!

Maine: It means that only one thing remembers everything about these A.I. and where they come from. It knows how to stop them, we need to unlock the Alpha.

Carter: The Alpha?

Church:(mumbles) That's what Omega called me.

Wash: And that means we're going home.

Allison: We're going to Command.

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