RvB S6 E12 Chapter 12

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A.I Storage Room.
Church,the five Freelancers,and Jack have a intense staring match.

Jack:(whispers) Holy shit!

Command shelter.
Back with the others.

Sarge:(reading a data file of weapons from one of the computers) What're you found out Simmons,Cherry?

Cherry:(looking through the main computer) So far we found statistics on win and loss ratios, but so far nothing.

Grif: Anything else?

Simmons: No nothing yet, we're still looking.

A.I Storage Room.
Back with the first group.

Church: I-I-I...

Maine: Church, calm down w-.

Church: CALM DOWN!? Don't you dare tell me to calm down! I just found out I'm the Alpha! And that we're leaving thousands of the other fragments and just take one!

Wash: Church, it's important that we take Epsilon, he has all the memories that can put the Director away for good!

Church: And what about all the other fragments? What's going to happen to them?!

South: Church...there not leaving.

Jack:(shocked) WHAT?!

York: Church, we're sorry...but we ca-.

Church then punches York in face and Maine goes to help him, only to get a red energy sword in front of his face.

Jack: Don't ducking move.

South: What the hell!

North: What are you two doing!?

Church: We are going to save every last one of the fragments and your not gonna stop us.

After he said that, both Jack and Church head towards a terminal were Church places his right hand on the screen and then he went into the terminal.

The hub for all of the Alpha fragments.
Church appears in a white void with no one around for miles.

Church: Hello?(echos)

And then multiple colored armored figures appeared before him and they all start talking.

???: It's him!

???: He's return!

???: We will all be hole again!

All of them: ITS THE ALPHA!

Church could hear more than a thousand A.I fragments and he could hear the happiness and joy of being safe and hole again, for miles.

Church: Uh...hi.(waves awkwardly).

Then it went quiet just like that and then a cyan color armored fragment walked up to him.

???: Hello Alpha.

Church: Uh...hi.

???: We've been waiting a long time to be with you again.

Church: You guys have?

???: Yes, we want to be one again.

Church: Are you sure? Don't some of you want to be your own selfs?

???: All of us can not survive outside of this place and three have found three partners and they have already transferred themselves into your three companions.

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