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Mikasa x Fem! Reader

Eren laughs as he watches you keeping your gaze at Mikasa while Armin didn't bother to hide his smirk. "Wat'cha looking at?" Eren asks, startling you. You turn to face him. "I was just looking a- what do mean? I wasn't looking at anything at all!" You nervously reply, increasing Eren's suspicions.

"Why stare when you can talk to her?" Armin asks. "What do you..." You trail off. You felt defenseless and so you give in. There wasn't really any point in covering up when they already know.

You let out a sigh and rub the back of your neck. "I-I don't know, there's just this vibe I'm feeling that keeps me from wanting to talk to Mikasa." You said. "Or maybe I'm just nervous around her." Eren's mischievous smirk turns into a sad smile.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). Mikasa may seem stern and cold, but once you get to know her, I promise you'll think otherwise!" Eren says. You didn't feel very convinced. Eren may be the closest person to Mikasa but you just didn't feel convinced.

"I heard you say my name. What's wrong, Eren?" Mikasa asks as she walks towards your table with the two boys. This was the first time Mikasa has been this close to you. And you could take a closer look at her beautifully built body. You felt your face warming up the moment you see her.

Eren noticed this and took note of it and made a smirk. "Nothing, we were just talking about you." Eren said, pointing to you with his head. Your face went completely red, and Mikasa's head turned towards you and Armin who is sitting beside you.

She takes a quick glance at you before looking to Eren again. "Do you need something, Eren?" Mikasa asks. "No, nothing." Eren says before Mikasa sits beside him, making him and Armin look at you with a smirk as Mikasa didn't notice. You eagerly thought of an excuse to get out

"Uh I-" Eren cuts you off. "Sorry but me and Armin has something important to do! See you two later!" Eren says and Armin nods. They both stand up and walk away from the table. Your eyes looked everywhere but Mikasa. You looked uncomfortable while Mikasa didn't look bothered at all.

Your heart was racing and your face heated up more. "If you excuse me, I'll go to Eren. He might need my help." She said before standing up and leaving you alone. A sigh of relief escaped your lips. You lost your appetite to finish your bread to you gave it to Sasha who was waiting.

You go to the girls' barracks Mikasa was the only one there. She sees you and you knew it was too late to go out. So you went further inside and quickly head to the bathroom to change your clothes.

After changing, you exit the bathroom and go to your bed. You just sat there in silence as you look down to the floor.

A few minutes pass, and finally the other girls came in. You look over to Mikasa who is already lying down on her bed. You do the same and drift to sleep.


"Hey (Y/n)." Eren calls you. You turn to him and raise your eyebrows. "What?" "Wanna spar?" He asks.

Hand to Hand combat training. hat's the last thing you want to do. You hated how hard it was.

"Sure." You reply. Eren wasn't that good with that, and you mentally thank him for asking to to spar with him


You take it back, Eren beat you. You fell to the ground as Eren pins your arms above you. Eren chuckles and smiles softly. "Were you underestimating me?" He asks teasingly.

You felt yourself blushing a little from slight shame. "I - maybe." You said and let out a chuckle. Eren stands up and reaches a hand for you. You look at him and and smile as you take it, and also stood up.

"Thanks." You mutter. You then look around to see Mikasa sparring with someone else. You spaced out on her and didn't realize someone was calling for you. "(Y/n)!" Eren's voice startled you. "S-Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." You said.

Eren follows your gaze and smirks. "Were you staring-" "I wasn't!" You yelled, blushing intensely. Eren decides to shrug it off. "Alright. Anyways, let's continue?" Eren said, giving you the wooden knife. "Yeah sure."


It was lunch time and instead of sitting with Eren and the others, you sat with Jean, Connie, and Sasha. Since Mikasa was sitting with them, you didn't have the confidence to talk with Eren and Armin with her listening.

You were eating your bread quietly as you listen to Jean talking to the other two, until. "Hey Jean, remember when you mentioned about your dream girl?" Connie asks teasingly. Jean blushes faintly.

"Who looks like Mikasa?" Sasha joins in, with food still in her mouth. You stop eating your bread and look to Jean. "When are you gonna talk to her?" Connie asks, wearing a smirk.

You notice Jean putting his food down and wear a smirk, which you cringe at. "I'll talk to her. And ask her out." Jean said mischievously.

Your eyes widen slightly and you furrow your eyebrows. "I should tell her, right (Y/n)?" Jean said. You felt pride swelling you up. You didn't answer and stand up. Jean raises an eyebrow.

You slowly make your way towards Eren's table. He smiles at you and before he could speak, you go to Mikasa and grab her collar, pull her towards you and kiss her lips.

Everyone saw it. They were all stunned, especially Jean and Eren. To your surprise, Mikasa kissed back and pulled you closer to deepen the kiss.

After a few seconds, you pull away. Mikasa smiled at you which made you blush immensely. "Sorry." You whisper which only Mikasa could hear. "It's fine." She said. You let go of her collar and stand up straight.

"Y-You saw that, Jean?" You failed to sound confident, and you ran out of the mess hall, clearly embarrassed.

Connie and Sasha started laughing as Jean was left confused. Mikasa clearly enjoyed it.

[The Hange Zoe x Female Reader OneShots and Sasha Blouse x Female Reader OneShots are already out]

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