My Pet

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Mikasa x Housepet! Fem! Reader

Kakegurui AU


"So at my signal, you put down your card that you chose." Mikasa said bluntly. I nervously nod. "Alright. At the count of three...One, two, three." We both put the card that we chosen down. My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped. I chose scissors and... "I have rock. You lost." Mikasa said as she grab all the chips I had left. "So, when are you gonna pay me?" She asked. "I...I-I don't know..." I said, looking down and not wanting to meet her gaze. Mikasa then sighs and stood up. "You're gonna be a housepet now. Good luck." She said as she walks away and someone behind me placed a Housepet tag on me. This is gonna be the end of me.. I thought.

~The Next Day~

I nervously enter the school and go to the classroom to see trash and a flower on my desk. I sigh and sit on my chair as girls teased me because I am now a 'mittens'. I felt my blood boiling but I refused to talk back to them since it's on the rules to bully Housepets. "You're so pathetic! You lost on an easy gamble!" One of them said. "I don't think you deserve to be here in this academy!" They said. I pathetically accepted what they did and stay silent. "Hey." A voice called. I jolt my head to the right where it came from and see Mikasa. The girls looked at her with slight fear. "Get out. Leave her alone." She said as she looked at the girls with a death stare. They then got scared and ran away.

Now I got even more pissed than earlier. "What the hell are you trying to do? First, you made me a Housepet and now you're gonna save me from those bullies!" I exclaim. She looked at me as if she didn't do anything. I sigh and look away from her. I feel her getting close to me. "..." Without any warning, Mikasa grabs my head and kisses me on the lips. I immediately push away with my face extremely red. "W-What was that for?!" I ask "Shouldn't you at least say 'thank you'?" She talked back. "Why should I?" I ask her. "Even though you're a house pet, I helped you from those girls." She told me. I shyly look away with my hands on my lap. "...thank you..." I mutter as my cheeks grew redder. I glance to Mikasa and see her smiling and I quickly look away. She goes near me and grabs my chin. "From now on, you're my pet."

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now