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Yandere! Mikasa x Fem! Reader

"(Y/n), please don't be afraid." It was Mikasa. Her voice was unsettling and uncomforting. Enough for you to be afraid just from hearing it.

She slowly walked towards you, who is running away from the source of the sound, panting heavily.

You felt your eyes stinging, tears forming in your eyes. You were breathing heavily, almost feeling like passing out, but you forced yourself not to. You have to survive.

"Please don't run from me." she said again, making you more and more scared. You ran to a nearby room and shut the door.

You were an idiot for not closing the door quietly, but you were in a hurry, and you were scared.

There was a closet at the corner of the room, and without a second thought, you hid inside it and this time, you quietly closed the doors.

You heard footsteps from outside the room, making your heart beat faster. You then hear the door slowly open.

You covered your mouth, preventing yourself from making any sort of sounds. "You're not any good at hiding. Next time, quietly close the door instead." She said blankly, looking around the room.

You closed your eyes, hoping to not get caught. "Where are you, (Y/n)?" She asked, looking everywhere but the closet.

"Weren't we friends? Why are you scared of me?" She asked, holding a knife behind her back.

"I killed your friends because they were a bother. Now I have you all to myself." She muttered. "I promise, if you come out, I won't hurt you." Mikasa said, her voice showing the slightest concern.

You still didn't want to come out. You were scared to do so. She obviously killed your friends, and you might be next.

"You know I love you, right?" She said, looking under the cabinets and the tables. "We could live together as a couple. And maybe even get married. Wouldn't that be perfect, (Y/n)?" Hearing her say your name ran a chill down your spine.

Your breathing was still quick, but you tried your best to not make any sort of sound whatsoever. It made you feel lightheaded. Your lungs started aching. But it might be all over soon.

"I know you can hear me. Come out, please?" Mikasa pleaded, looking under the bed. She chuckled, "Where could you be hiding, my dear (Y/n)?"

You clenched your eyes shut, not wanting to look at her through the tiny holes of the closet door. You were more than horrified, your hands were violently shaking.

She stopped talking, completely. It was quiet. The only thing you could hear was the wind. You felt a bit relaxed, but you knew she was still there. Maybe she gave up? Maybe she left?

Yet no sound of any door creaked open nor closed.

Just nothing.

You held the urge to take a deep breath, fearing Mikasa would find you.

But it was still quiet, slowly turning unsettling.

You then hear footsteps. It was slow, slow enough to scare you.

They wouldn't stop. But, they only got louder and louder, going towards your direction.

You only panicked.

What should you do?

What could you do?

You're doomed.

The footsteps hasn't stopped. You could hear it come closer, and closer, and closer.

Until it stopped.

You still kept your eyes closed. But nothing happened. Just nothingness.

Nothing else is happening.

Until, you heard the door slowly creak open, making you open your eyes to see Mikasa looking at you with the most scariest stare anyone could ever see.

She smiled creepily, taking out her knife.

"I found you."

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now