A Date With Mikasa

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You noticed Mikasa feeling down. She became quiet. She also was before, but she wasn't that silent.

She was practically avoiding you, and the others too. It bothered you a lot. The only person you could think of who may be the cause is Eren.

"Eren, do you have a moment?" You asked as you gently grabbed his shoulder. "Yeah, I do." He replies. You signal him to follow you and so he did.

"So, what do you need?" Eren asks. You brought him somewhere in the HQ where no one would see you two.

"Do you mind if I ask you something a little personal? Maybe not personal but a little across the line." You tell him. "No problem. It's okay." He answered.

"So, Mikasa has been very silent and distant lately, do you know what happened to her?" You asked. Eren sighs loudly. "Well... We had a little argument earlier." He says.

"What? Why?" You ask. "She just keeps on being around me. I'm sick of it. And when I complain, she defends herself. I'm sick of her." Eren says, clearly annoyed.

"Well then talk to her. I can't stand seeing my girlfriend like this. She must've been really sad but she's suppressing." You say, slightly pissed.

Eren sighs. "Not now. You cheer her up. I'll do it when... She feels a little better." Eren said. You thought for a moment. "Huh? Why me? You're the one who made her upset." You tell him.

"I know, but you're her girlfriend. It's your job to make her feel better, first, okay?" Eren says. You let out a sigh. "Fine. But you apologize to her after." You say.

"Fine, alright." Eren answers. You let out another sigh of relief. You didn't want Mikasa to be upset any longer, so you will surely cheer her up, better than what Eren could do.


You go to Mikasa who is wrapping her scarf around her neck. As you drew near her, she noticed you and looked at you.

"Hey Mikasa, are you free?" You asked. "Is something the matter, (Y/n)?" She asks. You shake your head. "You'll see. But are you free?" You ask again.

Mikasa nods, looking unsure. "Alright, do you trust me?" You ask, smiling a little. Mikasa raised an eyebrow, confused. "What do you mean?" "Just answer." You say before chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess...?" She says. You then cover her eyes with your hands. "Don't worry, you won't crash into anything because I'm here." You tell her.

"Just continue walking." You say softly to her ear. She nods.

You and her continued walking until you reached your destination. "You can stop now." You tell her. Mikasa stops walking and stays still.

You slowly uncover her eyes and as soon as she saw the place, her eyes went wide, and her lips slightly parted.

"What's... What's with this?" She asked, looking to you. "I just want to have a date with you, y'know." You say, shrugging.

Mikasa smiles and hugs you. "Thank you." She mutters. You hug back and kiss her cheek. "But that's not all." You tell her.

You sit on the grass with a basket. "Sit." You say happily, patting the gab next to you. Mikasa sat next to you and looked at the basket.

"What's in that?" She asked. "Food, of course." You say. "Dig in." You tell her as you take out the food from the basket.

Mikasa took out a sandwich from the basket and smiled. "You did this... All for me?" She asked. "Of course! Anything for my girlfriend." You tell her.

As Mikasa started eating the sandwich, she looked around the place. There were mountains, trees, and a river, and a few flowers. She enjoyed the view.

"I heard what happened." You tell her. Mikasa immediately frowned. "Yeah..." She answered. "You don't have to talk about it. I just brought you here to cheer you up." You tell her.

Mikasa felt herself smile again as her cheeks went red. "I'm thankful for this, (Y/n). You did this all for me." She says, gently gripping her scarf.

"As I said, I wanted to cheer you up." You said. Mikasa lays down on your lap. She gently rubs her cheek against your thighs. You blushed at the sight.

"I'll return the favor soon." She says. "Oh, you don't have to. Just seeing you happy makes my day." You say. Mikasa hums in response.

You start caressing her face. "I love you, (Y/n)." She says softly as she faces you. "And I love you." You say back. Mikasa smiled and gets your hand and kisses it. Your smile grew and you start playing with her hair.

"Training is in a few hours, so don't bother to sleep. It's okay." You tell her. Mikasa looks at you and smiles one more time before she closes her eyes and drifts to sleep.

You kiss her forehead and smiled one more time. "She's so cute when she's asleep." You mutter under your breath.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now