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You blushed furiously as you looked up at the gray-eyed woman in front of you with your back against the wall and her body barely inches away from yours, her hand flat against wall beside your head.

"Mikasa?" You muttered softly. Your eyes were enlarged while hers were stoic, keeping her deadpan expression.

Her face went closer to yours and she looked intensely at you. "W-What's with this?" You asked. Mikasa smiled slightly as her blush grows more obvious.

She went closer to your ear and blowed on it softly, earning a quiet whimper from you. "You're cute, keep that in mind. This is how I should approach you, from now on." Mikasa said, her not so gentle voice echoing through your head.

"Your reactions are so priceless, it makes me want you more." She whispered again before bringing her face infront of yours. Mikasa winked and your blush immediately grew. "E-Eh?!" You squeaked.

She smiled again and walked away as if nothing happened. Your hand made all it's way to your ear where she whispered at, and gently caressed it. It was extremely warm, she made you like this.


It was lunch time, you went to the mess hall and placed food on your plate and made your way towards Eren's table with Mikasa and Armin.

Mikasa was the first to see you and signaled you to sit beside her. You blushed and did so. "Hey, (Y/n)." Eren was first to greet you.

"Hi Eren." You waved, setting your plate down. You, Eren and Armin just talked about whatever until you felt something touching your foot.

You flinched, thinking it was a roach or a mouse. "Are you okay?" Armin asked. You looked at him and nodded your head. "Yeah, I'm fine." You answered.

Armin smiled and continued with the conversation. Instead, you just listened to them and answered whenever they asked you to.

You then felt something touch your foot again, but this time, it wasn't sudden. It was like it was rubbing against your foot.

You blushed, suddenly knowing who was doing it and looked to Mikasa who obviously was still holding her impassive expression.

You decided to not mind it and turn your head back to face the two boys. After a while, you felt a hand touch your thighs, and slowly caress them. Though you were wearing pants, you could still feel her warm hand.

"Um... Mikasa, you shouldn't be doing this here." You whispered, remaining in your position. Mikasa smiled slightly and her hand went further to your thighs, almost reaching your crotch, and gave it a squeeze.

You jumped and let out a small squeak. The two boys were too busy talking to each other and didn't notice you being a blushing mess. You looked to them and looked back to Mikasa whose eyes were stuck to you.

You held eye contact with her for a while before she stood up. "I'm gonna go first." She said. Eren looked at her and nodded. Then she left.

You continued talking with Eren and Armin until lunch was over. You then go to the barracks to only find Mikasa by herself.

She noticed you and smiled. "Hey." She said. "....O-Oh um hi." You replied awkwardly, still flustered about earlier and worrying that she'll do it again.

"I'll just go-" "Wait, stay here first." She said, approaching you. You stepped backwards until you felt the wall touch your back.

You blushed even more, knowing you have nowhere to go now. Mikasa drew herself closer to you until your noses were almost touching. "I-" Suddenly the door opens. "Guys-!"

You both turn your heads and saw Sasha. Once she saw the two of you, Sasha's face went red. "U-Uh - Nevermind!" She yelled and runs outside the barracks.

Mikasa then sighs, "Let's go, you don't want to run late for training, do you?" She asked, her hand rubbing against your shoulder before giving it a gentle squeeze that made you flinch, your cheeks getting warmer.

"Y-Yeah." You replied. She smiled and walked to the training field with you.

If this wasn't what you wanted, then I'm sorry.

This was probably one of my favorite requests to make so far.

And sorry if I took so long, at least I finished it now.

I hope you liked it!

And one last thing,

If I see one more comment complaining about the story of 'Multiple Choices Part 4' I won't hesitate to unpublish it.

Thank you.

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now